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    TAZ-57 and TAZ-83 items


    Location : Canada
    Registration date : 2017-05-09
    Number of posts : 14

    TAZ-57 and TAZ-83 items Empty TAZ-57 and TAZ-83 items

    Post by Badwolf151 Tue Jun 13, 2017 5:17 pm

    Greetings folks! Though I'd share my tiny collection of Swiss items. Nothing too special here, just 3 items
    Still... BEHOLD! The wunderbar Swiss Leibermuster in all its glory!! Very Happy

    TAZ-57 and TAZ-83 items Dscf1121

    The shirt, I am guessing, is the older TAZ-57 pattern. Admittedly, my knowledge of Swiss patterns is somewhat lacking, however my premise is mostly based around the lighter tan color and less pronounced 'blue' drops within the with blobs of the pattern. It's also evidently seen more use, with some light fading around the zippers
    TAZ-57 and TAZ-83 items Dscf1114
    TAZ-57 and TAZ-83 items Dscf1117

    Despite being made in der Schweiz, the uniform manufacture tag is in English. Zipper is YKK
    TAZ-57 and TAZ-83 items Dscf1115
    TAZ-57 and TAZ-83 items Dscf1118

    TAZ-57 and TAZ-83 items Dscf1116

    TAZ-83 trousers
    TAZ-57 and TAZ-83 items Dscf1119
    TAZ-57 and TAZ-83 items Dscf1120

    Elasticated Cap, TAZ-83.
    TAZ-57 and TAZ-83 items Dscf1124

    Comparison between older and newer patterns
    TAZ-57 and TAZ-83 items Dscf1125

    At one time, I used to laugh at the camouflage properties of Leibermuster. Yet after seeing it in more mountainous terrain, I've really done a 180 on it. Moreover, its usage during the Kosovo War, and its prominance in some media (Operation Flashpoint anyone?) in my mind makes it a noteworthy design.

    I also couldn't help notice it's similarities to Multicam, particularly with the white marks, tan background and subtle green, so I figured I'd do a little comparison between the two.
    TAZ-57 and TAZ-83 items Dscf1122
    TAZ-57 and TAZ-83 items Dscf1123
    Distant cousins, at least in my opinion


    Location : New England, US
    Registration date : 2009-03-08
    Number of posts : 6965

    TAZ-57 and TAZ-83 items Empty Re: TAZ-57 and TAZ-83 items

    Post by CollectinSteve Tue Jun 13, 2017 8:47 pm

    I think this will forever be one of my most favorite patterns. Yup, definitely Smile

    Here's a post I did a while ago about the different patterns of Swiss Leibermuster. It illustrates that the pattern is a bit more varied than one might think:



    Location : Canada
    Registration date : 2017-05-09
    Number of posts : 14

    TAZ-57 and TAZ-83 items Empty Re: TAZ-57 and TAZ-83 items

    Post by Badwolf151 Mon Jun 19, 2017 4:32 am

    CollectinSteve wrote:I think this will forever be one of my most favorite patterns.  Yup, definitely Smile

    Here's a post I did a while ago about the different patterns of Swiss Leibermuster.  It illustrates that the pattern is a bit more varied than one might think:



    I'd definitely agree with that assessment. Just by comparing the samples you have with mine (and those two by themselves!), there's a lot of variety in the designs. I'd be curious if if this was due to minor changes over time, or whether such variation occurred simply because of differing manufacture.

    Either way, it's definitely a cool design. I use to see a lot of the winter smocks with the multiple, massive pockets being sold. I have to say, I'm kinda regretting not picking one up. Leibermuster might seem like an impractical camouflage at first glance, but that really belies what an interesting and effective design it is.

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