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    Pilot vest and knife

    Senior Sergeant
    Senior Sergeant

    Location : Virginia
    Registration date : 2014-05-28
    Number of posts : 340

    Pilot vest and knife Empty Pilot vest and knife

    Post by Gungadd Mon 19 Jun 2017, 06:28

    Picked up this vest with knife from gulf war pilot who was in area during and after the war. Pilot vest and knife Img_3810
    Pilot vest and knife Img_3813
    Pilot vest and knife Img_3811
    Pilot vest and knife Img_3812
    Pilot vest and knife Img_3814
    Pilot vest and knife Img_3815
    Pilot vest and knife Img_3816

      Current date/time is Sat 25 Jan 2025, 13:47