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    North Korea Leader pins and other stuff

    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

    Location : canada
    Registration date : 2015-06-21
    Number of posts : 134

    North Korea Leader pins and other stuff  Empty North Korea Leader pins and other stuff

    Post by CaptainForrest Mon Aug 28, 2017 7:30 pm

    so i know in china there are a lot of fake leader pins you can buy and they look terrible. there is a guy on ebay that is selling pins and his look way better then the fake ones ive seen he says he works for some chinese business that does trades with the north korean people. so i bought 3 of his pins the 2 on the left are the ones that are usually faked but these look real, like he said he got them from north korean people they take a risk selling these things cause there salary is so low there. the 1 on the right however ive never seen a fake one of that one before he also has north korean military uniforms and other stuff as well. I also have propaganda postcards hand painted posters and a pocket knife that ive bought from people who travelled there

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    the picture on the bottom is my postcard that actually got sent from north korea to canada i think it was like 1 month or some that was the 1/2 that got sent from there.  i dont know if the uniforms are real i looked at some reproduction ones and they dont look as nice as these ones, but ive never really seen a real uniform for sale maybe someone knows? hes asking i think it was $200 for the uniform set

      Current date/time is Fri Oct 04, 2024 12:29 am