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    My Danish army Cold War loadouts

    Senior Lieutenant
    Senior Lieutenant

    Name : Michel Wijnand
    Age : 36
    Location : The Netherlands
    Registration date : 2016-11-09
    Number of posts : 832

    My Danish army Cold War loadouts Empty My Danish army Cold War loadouts

    Post by michelwijnand Fri Dec 29, 2017 6:56 pm

    The first one is for the early 50's. I'd still like to add a 3. Regiment flash to the right shoulder sometime.

    M44 Battledress uniform
    3. Regiment collar badges (Prinsens Livregiment)
    Danmark flash and flag patches
    M48 helmet with net (early liner)
    2 M50 basic pouches (1 aluminium, 1 brass hardware)
    M45 belt (brass)
    2 M45 brace attachments (brass)
    2 M45 braces (brass)
    Aluminium brace crossing buckle
    M48 (or M45?) canteen+pouch
    M50 bayonet
    M50 bayonet frog
    M49 shovel+pouch
    M49 gasmaskbag
    M49 small pack (brass)
    M49 L-straps (British P37 reissued)
    2 M49 small pack support straps (brass)
    M49 small pack tightening support strap (alu)
    M44 (?) anklets
    Black low boots

    In the background:
    M50 (?) canteen pouch
    M49 pistol holster
    Binoculars pouch
    Map case
    M50 large pack (modified Canadian P37)

    My Danish army Cold War loadouts Denema10
    My Danish army Cold War loadouts Denema11

    Then as used from around 1969 to 1984.

    M58-61 uniform
    M48 helmet with net
    2 M59 magazine pouches
    M45 belt (alu)
    M45 braces (alu)
    Aluminium brace crossing buckle
    2 M65 brace attachments
    M59 canteen+pouch
    M49 shovel+pouch
    M69 gasmask and bag
    M49 small pack (alu)
    M45 L-straps (alu)
    2 M49 small pack support straps (alu)
    M49 small pack tightening support strap (alu)
    M59 poncho carrier
    M58 poncho
    Towel and some sort of groundsheet (in the pack)
    M58 boots

    In the background:
    M66 summer uniform (trousers inside shirt)
    M75 magazine pouch

    Later added:
    M58 cap
    M58 parka
    M50 rifle sling

    My Danish army Cold War loadouts Denema14
    My Danish army Cold War loadouts Denema15

    And the last one, from around 1984 to the mid 90's.

    M84 camo uniform
    M48 helmet with net and US M73 chinstrap (late liner)
    Overkonstabel 1. grad rankslides
    2 M75 magazine pouches
    Late color M45 belt
    Late color M45 brace
    Dark khaki brace variation without eyelets
    Aluminium brace crossing buckle
    2 M65 brace attachments
    M75 bayonet
    M59 canteen in M84 vinyl pouch
    M49 shovel T84 nylon pouch
    M69 gasmask and bag
    M84 vinyl poncho carrier
    M58 boots

    In the background:
    2 Late color M49 small pack support straps
    2 Late color M45 L-straps
    M84 nylon canteen pouch
    Overkonstabel rankslides
    Green M45 brace without eyelets
    Late color M50 bayonet frog
    Late green M59 magazine pouch
    Vinyl binocular pouch
    Unknown nylon beltpouch
    2 late color M50 packstraps
    M69 gasmask and filter original boxes

    Later added:
    M84 vinyl large pack with long narrow carry strap
    M75 rifle sling

    My Danish army Cold War loadouts Denema13
    My Danish army Cold War loadouts Denema12

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    Location : New England, US
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    My Danish army Cold War loadouts Empty Re: My Danish army Cold War loadouts

    Post by CollectinSteve Sat Dec 30, 2017 1:00 am

    Wow! That is a very under documented bunch of kit you have there. Then again, that's pretty normal for you Wink

    Thanks for including the details of the items in text form. That's a lot of specialized information.

    Senior Lieutenant
    Senior Lieutenant

    Name : Michel Wijnand
    Age : 36
    Location : The Netherlands
    Registration date : 2016-11-09
    Number of posts : 832

    My Danish army Cold War loadouts Empty Re: My Danish army Cold War loadouts

    Post by michelwijnand Sat Dec 30, 2017 9:00 am

    And yes, just how I like it, some weird kits take a long time to even get good kitlists for,
    but when they're finally finished the satisfaction is even greater for it!
    There's still a few things in the lists which I'm not sure about the model number for though.

    Location : Scandinavia
    Registration date : 2017-04-20
    Number of posts : 56

    My Danish army Cold War loadouts Empty Re: My Danish army Cold War loadouts

    Post by M55q Tue Feb 06, 2018 9:44 am

    It look absolutely superb!

    I like that you have used (intentionally or unintentionally) different shades of webbing for the late 1980- early 1990s load-out.

    Very nice attention to detail  Very Happy
    Senior Lieutenant
    Senior Lieutenant

    Name : Michel Wijnand
    Age : 36
    Location : The Netherlands
    Registration date : 2016-11-09
    Number of posts : 832

    My Danish army Cold War loadouts Empty Re: My Danish army Cold War loadouts

    Post by michelwijnand Tue Feb 06, 2018 7:52 pm

    Thanks! I didn't do that 100% on purpose for the colors, but since I had several different correct options I just randomly combined, just like how someone would get issued stuff Smile

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