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    2017 Pattern Flame retardant baselayers

    Senior Sergeant
    Senior Sergeant

    Location : Ireland
    Registration date : 2011-08-15
    Number of posts : 328

    2017 Pattern Flame retardant baselayers Empty 2017 Pattern Flame retardant baselayers

    Post by Raptor Sun Sep 09, 2018 7:39 am

    Here we have the latest  Short and long sleeve T-shirts issued to the Irish DF. Normal scale of issue is four of each to regulars and two of each to reservists.

    The T-shirts are a flame retardant mixture of Modacryl and viscose and are also sweat wicking. They are replacing the DPM T-shirts issued since 2010.The DPM t-shirt was unpopular as it trapped sweat,despite it being advertised as Breathable and stank to high heaven after a short time being worn,even while at rest. Notably the new tops omit the national flag and velcro patch for a rank tab which has seen a return to the practice overseas of having to have both sewn on as the dress in camp is T-shirt order. In my opinion this is an oversight but not surprising as in some quarters the practice of jsut wearing a t-shirt in camp in hot weathers is frowned open Rolling Eyes Sad Mad .

    Anyway. Enjoy the pics.
    2017 Pattern Flame retardant baselayers Irish_13
    2017 Pattern Flame retardant baselayers Short_11
    2017 Pattern Flame retardant baselayers Irish_14
    2017 Pattern Flame retardant baselayers Long_s11
    Senior Sergeant
    Senior Sergeant

    Location : Ireland
    Registration date : 2011-08-15
    Number of posts : 328

    2017 Pattern Flame retardant baselayers Empty Re: 2017 Pattern Flame retardant baselayers

    Post by Raptor Wed Mar 13, 2019 1:19 pm

    UPDATE: 2018 Pattern T-shirts now coming on stream. Same design as above but rank velcro on chest and national flag on left sleeve have returned.

      Current date/time is Sat Dec 07, 2024 6:52 pm