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    Chameleon camouflage - future of uniforms?


    Location : Slovakia
    Registration date : 2015-05-06
    Number of posts : 252

    Chameleon camouflage - future of uniforms? Empty Chameleon camouflage - future of uniforms?

    Post by Thibir Tue Aug 20, 2019 4:47 am

    Czech scientists spend last 2 years researching colour changing pigments. They finally succeed in stabilizing them enough to use them to dye uniform. The idea is quite simple. In the temperatures below 37-40 °C the fabric is greenish, standard woodland colouration. Above these temperatures the fabric fades to desert variant of the pattern. When cooled it turns green again. The number of repeats of cycle is unlimited.

    Obvious limitations are the temperatures as sole factor of colour changing. We can easily have 37-40 in the sunny conditions in our green central Europe conditions. Also they can have a 10 °C in Afghanistan.

    I don´t think it will be economic and practical tu use on standard battle uniforms. I still think it might be much cheaper just to have colour specific one. But I see quite interesting uses of colour changing pigment in other equipment like vests, backpacks, pouches etc.

    Link to article in Czech

    Chameleon camouflage - future of uniforms? Zmena%20vzoru

    Chameleon camouflage - future of uniforms? %C4%8Clenov%C3%A9%20v%C3%BDvojov%C3%A9ho%20t%C3%BDmu%20docentka%20Vikov%C3%A1%20a%20Marcela%20Pechov%C3%A1%20a%20(zleva)%20Branislav%20Budo%C5%A1%2C%20Aravin%20Prince%20Periyasamy%20a%20Dominik%20Du%C5%A1ek

    Chameleon camouflage - future of uniforms? IMG_9008

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