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    Theory about BGS Sumpftarn "vests"


    Location : New England, US
    Registration date : 2009-03-08
    Number of posts : 6968

    Theory about BGS Sumpftarn "vests" Empty Theory about BGS Sumpftarn "vests"

    Post by CollectinSteve Thu Mar 30, 2023 9:56 am

    Many years ago a whole bunch of BGS 2nd Model demilled Sumpftarn jackets hit the market that have no sleeves. They were sold as "vests" and can still be seen on eBay here and there. I always wondered why someone would think vests would sell better than jackets. Now I think I know why...

    A US eBay seller just listed three jackets that are beyond repair. Instead of the usual missing arm pocket flap and 2-3 big slashes down the back, these jackets have multiple slashes on front and back as well as the entire arm pocket (and underlying material) cut out! Look at this:

    Theory about BGS Sumpftarn "vests" S-l16013
    Theory about BGS Sumpftarn "vests" S-l16014
    Theory about BGS Sumpftarn "vests" S-l16015

    This got me thinking that there might have been a large batch of jackets with the usual minimal slashes on the back plus the missing arm pocket. Which would make the jackets fundamentally as repairable as all the others we've seen, except for the left sleeve. Removing both sleeves solves the latter problem. There is more money to be made off of a "vest" than a pile of rags!

    Note also that these are the very first raw demilled jackets I have ever seen. I've seen hundreds of the repaired ones over the years.


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