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2 posters

    Please help me identify what is this


    Location : Belarus
    Registration date : 2022-11-04
    Number of posts : 5

    Please help me identify what is this Empty Please help me identify what is this

    Post by Alex_lynx Fri Aug 04, 2023 6:18 am

    I bought this from an airsoft person, but I can't identify or find information about it, maybe someone will know? no labels or inscriptions

    Location : Belarus
    Registration date : 2022-11-04
    Number of posts : 5

    Please help me identify what is this Empty Re: Please help me identify what is this

    Post by Alex_lynx Fri Aug 04, 2023 6:20 am

    Please help me identify what is this Img_2014
    Please help me identify what is this Img_2013
    Please help me identify what is this Img_2015Please help me identify what is this Img_2014
    Please help me identify what is this Img_2013
    Please help me identify what is this Img_2015Please help me identify what is this Img_2014
    Please help me identify what is this Img_2013
    Please help me identify what is this Img_2015Please help me identify what is this Img_2014
    Please help me identify what is this Img_2013
    Please help me identify what is this Img_2015

    Name : Adam
    Age : 39
    Location : United States
    Registration date : 2023-07-11
    Number of posts : 34

    Please help me identify what is this Empty Re: Please help me identify what is this

    Post by LizardCollector Fri Aug 04, 2023 2:04 pm

    Looks like a breecher bag. It would normally hold a pair of bolt cutters.

    Alex_lynx likes this post


    Location : Belarus
    Registration date : 2022-11-04
    Number of posts : 5

    Please help me identify what is this Empty Re: Please help me identify what is this

    Post by Alex_lynx Fri Aug 04, 2023 2:33 pm

    Yes,thanks a lot. It is breacher bag by eagle industries

    LizardCollector likes this post

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    Please help me identify what is this Empty Re: Please help me identify what is this

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      Current date/time is Fri Sep 13, 2024 2:50 pm