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    ID of Pouch.


    Name : Kevin
    Location : Netherlands
    Registration date : 2019-08-11
    Number of posts : 57

    ID of Pouch. Empty ID of Pouch.

    Post by milly66 Sun Aug 27, 2023 3:16 pm

    Hi all.
    Need help with an ID on a pouch. 3 Pictures to follow, the one on the right is a Dutch Mariniers/Marines first aid pouch, based on the US equivalent, made of thick web material, issued from the 1970's until the early 90's.
    The one on the Left however is made of Canvas with Nylon reinforcing the wire hanger at the back. Came from the same source. There is even a Unit/Individual number written in it.
    The right "Lift the Dot" fixing has the Dutch Knip hier, the other has no markings on the "LTD" at all.
    The "Hive" thoughts please people. What is it?ID of Pouch. 36775610
    ID of Pouch. 36776110
    ID of Pouch. 36928710
    ID of Pouch. 36775610
    ID of Pouch. 36776110
    ID of Pouch. 36928710

      Current date/time is Mon Dec 09, 2024 7:55 am