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    6 color chocalate chip Arktis smock

    David van Lent

    Location : Belgium
    Registration date : 2022-01-08
    Number of posts : 24

    6 color chocalate chip Arktis smock Empty 6 color chocalate chip Arktis smock

    Post by David van Lent Fri Nov 03, 2023 11:01 am

    We all know Arktis and we probably all heard of the 6 color chocolate chip US desert Camo. The combination of the two seems to be a bit of a mystery. I can’t find any info on this garment . Who knows more and is willing to share?



    6 color chocalate chip Arktis smock Img_1011
    6 color chocalate chip Arktis smock Img_1012
    6 color chocalate chip Arktis smock Img_1010
    Lieutenant Colonel
    Lieutenant Colonel

    Name : A.
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    6 color chocalate chip Arktis smock Empty Re: 6 color chocalate chip Arktis smock

    Post by mylle Fri Nov 03, 2023 3:45 pm

    Now that is very cool. I like it!

    David van Lent likes this post

    David van Lent

    Location : Belgium
    Registration date : 2022-01-08
    Number of posts : 24

    6 color chocalate chip Arktis smock Empty Message from Arktis

    Post by David van Lent Tue Nov 07, 2023 11:02 am

    Contacted Arktis the other day and received their reply which is great but unfortunately it did not held the info I was hoping for.

    Good morning David,

    I have spoken to my colleagues here at Arktis, especially the older serving ones, and all I can find out about this smock is the following:

    US chocolate chip camo, product code B110

    This was made many years ago before any of my colleagues worked here and I can confirm the camo has not been ordered in our time here.

    I am sorry I cannot be of more help, but it does appear you have a very collectable smock there!

    Best regards,

    TennoHeikaNate likes this post

    Senior Lieutenant
    Senior Lieutenant

    Name : Michel Wijnand
    Age : 35
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    6 color chocalate chip Arktis smock Empty Re: 6 color chocalate chip Arktis smock

    Post by michelwijnand Sun Nov 19, 2023 11:33 am

    I think I remember these having something to do with a Dutch contract for either the marine corps of KCT.
    The KCT did use smocks in DDPM with green velcro in the SFIR mission, and marines have used actual US made BDU's
    in 6-color desert camo in the early 90's. I've also seen some 6CD stuff that might have been trial or orientation items.

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    David van Lent

    Location : Belgium
    Registration date : 2022-01-08
    Number of posts : 24

    6 color chocalate chip Arktis smock Empty Re: 6 color chocalate chip Arktis smock

    Post by David van Lent Mon Nov 20, 2023 2:31 pm

    michelwijnand wrote:I think I remember these having something to do with a Dutch contract for either the marine corps of KCT.
    The KCT did use smocks in DDPM with green velcro in the SFIR mission, and marines have used actual US made BDU's
    in 6-color desert camo in the early 90's. I've also seen some 6CD stuff that might have been trial or orientation items.

    Thanks Michel,

    Is there a way to determine this? The mistery is only getting bigger . But with the marines and KCT involved the story is getting better and better.😀

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