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Grim Reaper
31 posters

    WHAT are your HOLY GRAIL ITEMS ?????

    Junior Sergeant
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    Name : Jake
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    WHAT are your HOLY GRAIL ITEMS ????? - Page 2 Empty Re: WHAT are your HOLY GRAIL ITEMS ?????

    Post by navax Sun Apr 18, 2010 9:49 am

    misanthropic_gods wrote:
    navax wrote:
    misanthropic_gods wrote:More Snow MARPAT
    JTF GTMO DCU (I Missed one for $10 because my PM didnt go through for some stupid ass reason)
    USMC T-Pat
    USAF ABU Tigerstripe Trial

    More snow MARPAT?? Lucky lol!

    I have the backpack cover, it was just pure luck that Owen (Kammo man) was offering it for sale. Very Happy

    Haha nice.

    Also, I'm getting a choc chip so I can mark that off my list.
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    WHAT are your HOLY GRAIL ITEMS ????? - Page 2 Empty Re: WHAT are your HOLY GRAIL ITEMS ?????

    Post by cobalt545 Thu Nov 18, 2010 11:38 pm

    Right now my Holy Grail items would be the hats worn by the Tamil Tigers.

    Name : Ben
    Location : Lefthand side of the Atlantic
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    WHAT are your HOLY GRAIL ITEMS ????? - Page 2 Empty Re: WHAT are your HOLY GRAIL ITEMS ?????

    Post by Camo_fiend Fri Nov 19, 2010 2:11 am

    I recently grabbed another item on my "holy grail" that I had not mentioned earlier -- Swedish M90. I really am super-excited about finally tracking down a set... now for it to just arrive!

    Interested in any European digital camo.

    See my collection online: http://benscamo.webs.com/

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    WHAT are your HOLY GRAIL ITEMS ????? - Page 2 Empty Re: WHAT are your HOLY GRAIL ITEMS ?????

    Post by CollectinSteve Fri Nov 19, 2010 3:27 am

    Just a personal note on how I think "Holy Grail" is commonly used... in my mind this is reserved for items which can't be regularly had on eBay at whatever the price is. Something like the Tamil Tiger Air Force set would definitely rank way up there as a Holy Grail type item, but something like Swedish m/90 would not. This is not to say Swedish m/90 isn't cool (it's one of the coolest Wink), nor that it is cheap (it sure isn't), nor that it's super easy to find (it isn't). However, if I want a set of m/90 I could probably have one in a week or two just by trolling eBay. I'll likely never see a Tamil Tiger Air Force set no matter how obsessively I check eBay or ask around since there were only a couple hundred for a short time and the Timils are totally wiped out. That's not to say everybody should want a Tamil set more than a Swedish set, I'm just saying that in terms of availability one is, by comparison, easy to obtain and the other impossible.

    Again, just my perspective on the term "Holy Grail". For what it's worth Very Happy


    Name : Ben
    Location : Lefthand side of the Atlantic
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    WHAT are your HOLY GRAIL ITEMS ????? - Page 2 Empty Re: WHAT are your HOLY GRAIL ITEMS ?????

    Post by Camo_fiend Sat Nov 20, 2010 12:25 am

    I fully understand that -- perhaps I misused the term out of context slightly. But then again everyone's "holy grail" is different; to each their own. Cool

    Interested in any European digital camo.

    See my collection online: http://benscamo.webs.com/

    Name : Arch
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    WHAT are your HOLY GRAIL ITEMS ????? - Page 2 Empty Re: WHAT are your HOLY GRAIL ITEMS ?????

    Post by nkomo Thu Jun 23, 2011 2:55 pm

    nkomo wrote:For me the list includes:

    Any Panamanian Defense Force uniforms
    Any uniforms used by the New Jewel Movement in Grenada
    East German advisor uniforms used in Africa and Central America
    Soviet advisor uniforms used in Africa and Central America
    Any Com-Bloc advisor uniform used in Africa and Central America
    Terr uniforms used in Africa or Central America
    Uniforms used by the Govt. Forces of El Salvador or the FMLN during the Civil War period.
    African Terr uniforms
    Nicaraguan uniforms (Sandinista, Govt.Forces, FDN/ARDE)
    Zaire Leopard pattern uniform
    US Special Forces uniforms or equipment
    Patched DCU's
    173rd ABN modified DCU

    I'm sure there are more, but I can't remember now. If you have any of these....please contact me.

    I have been thinking about my holy grail item list lately. After reviewing my list, I have added many of the items listed to my collection. The only one I have been unable to add is the Zaire Leopard pattern. Still looking for a set.

    Always looking for Central American militaria 1965 to 1991.  Especially items relating to Coronel Velasquez El Salvador Armed Forces

    Location : New England, US
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    WHAT are your HOLY GRAIL ITEMS ????? - Page 2 Empty Re: WHAT are your HOLY GRAIL ITEMS ?????

    Post by CollectinSteve Thu Jun 23, 2011 5:38 pm

    Congrats on your finds! And it's not like you set the bar low for yourself!

    Arch's resurfacing of this thread has caused me to look back at the list I put up here in 2009... here's how it stands:

    Bundeswehr 1st Model splinter Fallschirmjäger uniform

    I have a complete set, but found out there is a second type!! I am now looking for trousers of the 2nd type.

    BGS 1st Model service uniform (not camo)

    No go.

    BGS 1st Model field uniform (reversible splinter/white)

    Not even close.

    Trousers for my 4 orphaned BW TruVsu jackets

    Haven't seen a one, not at any price.

    Italian BSM 1st Model desert "spray" camo

    I thought I had one very briefly. False alarm.

    Austrian KAZ57 trousers (if they even exist)

    I'm now even more sure this does not exist, so I'm scratching this off my list.

    All in all not too bad. In 2 years I got one major item crossed off through acquisition, another crossed off because I was chasing a ghost Very Happy

    Of course, this Holy Grail list is woefully incomplete Sad

    Junior Sergeant
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    Name : Thomas
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    WHAT are your HOLY GRAIL ITEMS ????? - Page 2 Empty Re: WHAT are your HOLY GRAIL ITEMS ?????

    Post by SAL Thu Oct 27, 2011 2:33 pm

    My HOLY GRAIL is a

    Martin-Baker SJU-17 NACES ejection seat

    Name : Ben
    Location : Lefthand side of the Atlantic
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    WHAT are your HOLY GRAIL ITEMS ????? - Page 2 Empty Re: WHAT are your HOLY GRAIL ITEMS ?????

    Post by Camo_fiend Thu Oct 27, 2011 2:51 pm

    Let me add a couple more... the big rarities I'm after, the true holy grails:

    Latvian NBS2006 digital camo ("Legoflage")
    Urban Track pattern
    T-Pattern urban camo
    British PECOC hybrid DPM

    Interested in any European digital camo.

    See my collection online: http://benscamo.webs.com/
    Junior Sergeant
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    Name : Justin Inman
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    WHAT are your HOLY GRAIL ITEMS ????? - Page 2 Empty Re: WHAT are your HOLY GRAIL ITEMS ?????

    Post by Kan Thu Nov 03, 2011 6:05 pm

    My holy grails:

    Crye combat cut DCUs used by delta for a time.

    More MARSOC Crye cut Woodycams. (even though I'm one of like 4 or 5 people with a full set outside of MARSOC)

    The Crye made uniforms for the early 2000's camo trails.

    Arc'teryx custom made stuff, IE combat jackets in DCU and ACU.

    Pretty much any high speed experimental and trial stuff.
    Senior Lieutenant
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    Name : Dave
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    WHAT are your HOLY GRAIL ITEMS ????? - Page 2 Empty Re: WHAT are your HOLY GRAIL ITEMS ?????

    Post by Bury_Dave Mon Apr 02, 2012 9:49 am

    Well, time to get this thread up and running again........

    My Holy Grails .......
    Midweight RAF 1950's / 60's ventile parka.

    Swiss desert TAZ 07 (?) Laughing

    Any Swiss kit from 1990 onwards ....... it's all so damned hard to find !

    Leibermuster suit (forced to sell mine in 1995 ..... Crying or Very sad )

    Current Slovenian desert suit.

    1963 pattern DPM windproof smock (again I've had but sold and always regretted it ....)

    SBS butyl nylon MCT chest rig with rappelling / extraction harness.

    That's it for now. Not bad for a guy who came on here a month ago saying he was an ex-collector ! Laughing

    Junior Sergeant
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    WHAT are your HOLY GRAIL ITEMS ????? - Page 2 Empty Re: WHAT are your HOLY GRAIL ITEMS ?????

    Post by APreston Mon Apr 02, 2012 11:42 am

    Having refocused my interests to Warsaw Pact stuff in general and DDR stuff in particular, I submit the following to my Holy Grail list:

    Original Fallschirmjager vest
    A set of Flachentarn/Blumentarn
    NVA Fallschirmjager parade/walking-out/dress uniforms (found on eBay but out of my price range)
    NVA Fallschirmjager helmet
    M88 "Afghanka" uniforms in both Tan and OD (side note: these are way more expensive than they should be, IMHO. I'm waiting for the "Afghanka Bubble" as I've taken to calling it to burst when a new warehouse of them gets found and opened)
    Pink-dominant TTsKO
    WWII-issue TTsMKK (Russian "leaf" pattern later given to Albania and Romania)

    Probably none of this stuff is beyond the ability of the seasoned collectors here to find in an afternoon Laughing
    Junior Sergeant
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    Name : steve
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    WHAT are your HOLY GRAIL ITEMS ????? - Page 2 Empty Re: WHAT are your HOLY GRAIL ITEMS ?????

    Post by cairyhunt Sat Apr 28, 2012 12:44 pm

    the holy grail item id never sell . my para smock i wore "down south"

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    Post by jimmyduncan23 Sat Apr 28, 2012 8:56 pm

    i would say at the moment it would be luxembourg new desert pattern, swedish m90k, croatian desert digital
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    Name : Dave
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    WHAT are your HOLY GRAIL ITEMS ????? - Page 2 Empty Re: WHAT are your HOLY GRAIL ITEMS ?????

    Post by Bury_Dave Sun Apr 29, 2012 7:03 am

    cairyhunt wrote:the holy grail item id never sell . my para smock i wore "down south"

    Ah but Cairy, a Holy Grail item is something you are seeking to get and not something you have already got !

    Well done for what you did Down South but how about posting some photos in the GB section so we can all see a smock that was seriously abused ?

    Dave Very Happy

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    WHAT are your HOLY GRAIL ITEMS ????? - Page 2 Empty Re: WHAT are your HOLY GRAIL ITEMS ?????

    Post by FenixSpook Sun Apr 29, 2012 8:06 am

    Well, my HOLY GRAIL items:

    - From URSS/Russia: 6 color DshB, woodland SMK, any coloration TTsKO, berezka border guard, yellow VSR and (the holiest) fakel uniform.
    - From Spain: any amoeba pattern.
    - From Germany: any original WWII uniform.
    - From US: original Vietnam Tiger Stripe.
    - From Australia: 5 color yellow DPDU (I always find it overpriced).

    WHAT are your HOLY GRAIL ITEMS ????? - Page 2 Empty Re: WHAT are your HOLY GRAIL ITEMS ?????

    Post by Guest Thu May 03, 2012 5:45 pm

    german oak leaf helmet cover
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    WHAT are your HOLY GRAIL ITEMS ????? - Page 2 Empty Re: WHAT are your HOLY GRAIL ITEMS ?????

    Post by Mk1rceme Fri May 04, 2012 1:22 pm

    I guess mine would be the complete AR Cadpat uniform with all the combat gear, armour, etc. - All used in Afghanistan.
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    WHAT are your HOLY GRAIL ITEMS ????? - Page 2 Empty Re: WHAT are your HOLY GRAIL ITEMS ?????

    Post by sh4pak Fri May 04, 2012 2:26 pm

    Man, I am a pedestrian... all I want is a postwar Denison and some French Ranger Boots.

    Of course, I lucked into most of of the other things I used to *think* were grail items, and a wife who tolerates my questing, so I have no business complaining.
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    WHAT are your HOLY GRAIL ITEMS ????? - Page 2 Empty Re: WHAT are your HOLY GRAIL ITEMS ?????

    Post by sh4pak Fri May 04, 2012 2:53 pm

    --And Steve, I understand what you're saying about definitions of "Grail Items," but I think it is fair to say you're a *serious* collector. As for me, I think of myself as a "Hunter Gatherer," and less a "Knight Errant." My hunting grounds are the crowded thrift stores in the DMZ known as "The DMV" (just the name sends chills... although it is for entirely the wrong reason: "The District, Virginia & Maryland," not the "Department of Motor Vehicles.")

    I'd say that the thrill of finding something you're looking for at ye olde junk shoppe is on par with ebay acquisition. The articles in question might not be, but it is relative.

    And, to take the Round Table Analogy one step further-- wasn't the True Grail something that actually came quite easily to Arthur, once Gawain figured out the riddle? In that sense, Loski was able to get me something I'd drooled over since I was a kid, could never find on ebay, and could never find here in my digs, with virtually no effort on my part. GRAIL! Woo-hoo!

    The Grail is here, Steve... in these pages... Wink

    (I am *totally* kidding, dude-- plz. don't get mad).
    Junior Sergeant
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    Name : steve
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    WHAT are your HOLY GRAIL ITEMS ????? - Page 2 Empty Re: WHAT are your HOLY GRAIL ITEMS ?????

    Post by cairyhunt Fri May 11, 2012 6:59 am

    cairyhunt wrote:the holy grail item id never sell . my para smock i wore "down south"

    ok then my holy grail item would be a dennison smock . issued with them but never kept one (sob)
    Senior Lieutenant
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    Name : Dave
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    WHAT are your HOLY GRAIL ITEMS ????? - Page 2 Empty Re: WHAT are your HOLY GRAIL ITEMS ?????

    Post by Bury_Dave Fri May 11, 2012 7:48 am

    cairyhunt wrote:
    cairyhunt wrote:the holy grail item id never sell . my para smock i wore "down south"

    ok then my holy grail item would be a dennison smock . issued with them but never kept one (sob)

    Best you stay away from teh various Denison Smock threads then mucker !

    And how about posting up photos of your early DPM one in the appropriate section then ? PLEASE ! Very Happy

    Junior Sergeant
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    Name : steve
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    Post by cairyhunt Fri May 11, 2012 10:19 am

    ok will do Very Happy
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    WHAT are your HOLY GRAIL ITEMS ????? - Page 2 Empty Re: WHAT are your HOLY GRAIL ITEMS ?????

    Post by sh4pak Fri May 18, 2012 6:08 pm

    --Dear Steve,

    I would like to retract what I said earlier-- I understand exactly what you meant, now.

    To be fair, I've never been to a good surplus store before today. Yes, I have been to the ones in Oceanside, and just about every single one in all of SoCal. I've been to some up in MA., and knew of several here in the DC metro, and they were all... bad. I mean, occasionally something interesting, but not too often. However, today I went to a shop down in Alexandria, VA, and my head exploded.

    All of the stuff I could never find, everything that didn't exist on ebay, and everything that ever made me drool as a kid was there. All of it. It was the Chamber of Grails.

    And prices were... reasonable. Really. It was a trip.

    So, now I have some jigsaw and lizard, and I'm as happy as a little clam-- but I totally get it, now. There's what can be got, and what cannot.

    And, to try to answer the question now... hell, I don't know. I have everything I wanted. I am going to have to wait a week before I even know what to start coveting...



    Name : Graham
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    WHAT are your HOLY GRAIL ITEMS ????? - Page 2 Empty Re: WHAT are your HOLY GRAIL ITEMS ?????

    Post by loski Fri May 18, 2012 7:44 pm

    My holy grail well its 2 items
    Rhodesian Selous Scouts Beret with Silver officers badge and
    Rhodesian SAS beret with ORs embroidered badge
    either would be worth rte odd kidney

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