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    7th SFG Grouping


    Name : Steven
    Location : Kentucky, USA
    Registration date : 2009-02-12
    Number of posts : 2099

    7th SFG Grouping Empty 7th SFG Grouping

    Post by bond007a1 Sun Feb 22, 2009 4:34 am

    Here is some stuff I got from a Major in the 7th SFG. The ACU's were used in Afghanistan as was the 3 colour set & vest. Note: the vest was a commercial item that their group used. The 3 colour set was a 1990 dated top & 1991 dated trousers.

    7th SFG Grouping Us7ths10

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    7th SFG Grouping Us7ths19

    always looking for combat-used desert uniforms

      Current date/time is Tue Oct 08, 2024 5:46 pm