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    Urban T and any other Experimental patterns.


    Location : Dubai,United Arab Emirates
    Registration date : 2010-01-24
    Number of posts : 19

    Urban T and any other Experimental patterns. Empty Urban T and any other Experimental patterns.

    Post by Jalal897 Sat Apr 10, 2010 9:05 am

    Hi guys im looking for the (MOUNT) Urban T pattern. it was used during Urban Warrior in the US.

    I plan to go to the United states maybe ill get lucky and find it.

    If you know anyone selling a set i am very much interested in ending the search for it.

    Appreciate all your help and if you have any interesting pieces your willing to sell let me know please im expanding.

    Name : Jeremy
    Location : Massachusetts
    Registration date : 2009-03-02
    Number of posts : 1419

    Urban T and any other Experimental patterns. Empty Re: Urban T and any other Experimental patterns.

    Post by Mercenary25 Sat Apr 10, 2010 9:37 am

    Even in United States, those are very tough to find. Good luck, cheers!

    Best quote of generation by Mr.B:: dude #$%^&* ww2 navy LMAO.

    Urban T and any other Experimental patterns. Oifbanner


    Location : Dubai,United Arab Emirates
    Registration date : 2010-01-24
    Number of posts : 19

    Urban T and any other Experimental patterns. Empty Re: Urban T and any other Experimental patterns.

    Post by Jalal897 Sat Apr 10, 2010 11:46 am

    Mercenary25 wrote:Even in United States, those are very tough to find. Good luck, cheers!

    Well thats true but im sure they can be found for the right price.

    Ive got some desert camo patterns i want to put up on here on this site how do i do that?

    Sorry im new but i believe i have a good collection.
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    Urban T and any other Experimental patterns. Empty Re: Urban T and any other Experimental patterns.

    Post by DS9ACU Sat Apr 10, 2010 1:03 pm

    well you could get a chinese copy relatively cheap, but I've only seen them on ebay once in awhile. As for the posting pictures, take the pictures upload them to your computer. Then click the button that says host an image, click the browse button next to image, then select the size. Press host and copy the image url and your done

    Location : Dubai,United Arab Emirates
    Registration date : 2010-01-24
    Number of posts : 19

    Urban T and any other Experimental patterns. Empty Re: Urban T and any other Experimental patterns.

    Post by Jalal897 Sat Apr 10, 2010 4:26 pm

    Flecktarn92 wrote:well you could get a chinese copy relatively cheap, but I've only seen them on ebay once in awhile. As for the posting pictures, take the pictures upload them to your computer. Then click the button that says host an image, click the browse button next to image, then select the size. Press host and copy the image url and your done

    Ive got the Chinese copy from Royal tiger Hong Kong it just doesnt satisfy me it wasnt worn during urban warrior. I guess im a bit mad.

    Trying to upload now.

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    Urban T and any other Experimental patterns. Empty Re: Urban T and any other Experimental patterns.

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