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    WW2 EM Leather Garrison Belt, size 40

    Corpl. Cleaver
    Corpl. Cleaver

    Name : Tyler
    Age : 32
    Location : Reading, Penna
    Registration date : 2009-02-21
    Number of posts : 323

    WW2 EM Leather Garrison Belt, size 40 Empty WW2 EM Leather Garrison Belt, size 40

    Post by Corpl. Cleaver Sun May 02, 2010 8:09 pm

    WW2 EM Leather Garrison Belt, size 40 03010WW2 EM Leather Garrison Belt, size 40 02711WW2 EM Leather Garrison Belt, size 40 02810WW2 EM Leather Garrison Belt, size 40 02910

    Got these last fall, they are a set marked to the same guy. both size 40.
    I am looking to sell them as a set. Anyone know the going price for a set like this??



    "Greater love has no man than this, that he lay down his life for a friend." -John 15:13

    RIP Lester Scheaffer, KIA September 12th 1944. 29th Infantry Division.

    A member of The Ill Tempered Men

      Current date/time is Mon Jan 13, 2025 2:49 am