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    Junior Lieutenant
    Junior Lieutenant

    Location : usa.TN
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    Number of posts : 674

    berets Empty berets

    Post by vicka1971 Fri May 28, 2010 11:25 pm

    Hi guys

    Few berets: Green- army( infantry),black- armor,maroon-paratroopers,navy blue-marines??? Rolling Eyes Very Happy

    [img]berets Lenku_10[/img]

    Location : Poland
    Registration date : 2010-04-14
    Number of posts : 25

    berets Empty Re: berets

    Post by msciwoj Wed Jun 02, 2010 9:59 am

    I dont think that navy blue one is marine,navy was wearing hats (eagle on it is from commie time LWP)but not sure about it,and red one might be Military Police
    Junior Lieutenant
    Junior Lieutenant

    Location : usa.TN
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    berets Empty Re: berets

    Post by vicka1971 Wed Jun 02, 2010 1:06 pm

    Hi there

    In my scan "red" is maroon. I know for sure,becouse I got that beret, during my deployment from polish soldier( NORDPOL BRG). Military police had/have red/scarlet colour berets. Cool

    Name : Ólafur Ólafsson
    Age : 51
    Location : Iceland
    Registration date : 2012-01-11
    Number of posts : 12

    berets Empty Re: berets

    Post by kaldi Thu Jan 12, 2012 9:14 pm

    Hi all
    The blue beret is for coastal defence, i have one in my collection aswell as the "maroon" or as i call it "deep red" for paras and territorial defence.
    I also have the red ZW beret (military police) + some other aswell
    Just not sure if i can post the pictures lack og knowlege...
    But they can be seen at my site >>>kaldi.is<<<


    Location : Poland
    Registration date : 2011-12-18
    Number of posts : 15

    berets Empty Re: berets

    Post by rsunday Sun Jan 15, 2012 3:57 am

    the colours of Polish Army berets are following:

    - green - general army
    - maroon - airborne (6th Abn Bde and 25th Air Cav Bde)
    - black - armoured
    - dark blue with army eagle is used for working clothes
    - brown - was used by territorial defense
    - ligt blue - in Warsaw Pact era it was 7th "Marines" Div, now worn in 7th Mech Bde as a traditional beret

    - light red

    - dark green with metal eagle (with black shield)- Special Forces (except GROM)
    - light grey - SOF GROM unit
    Note: the eagle badge on dark green beret is worn like WW II Commandos - with eagle above left eye - not in the center as all others

    - black with Navy eagle badge (additional anchor)

    - dark grey with AF eagle (with hussar's wings)

    I think I mentioned all beret!

    Name : Ólafur Ólafsson
    Age : 51
    Location : Iceland
    Registration date : 2012-01-11
    Number of posts : 12

    berets Empty Re: berets

    Post by kaldi Sun Jan 15, 2012 11:07 am

    berets C:\Users\Notandi\Pictures\ymislegt skritid\Europe\polrank\wojska ladowe\poland army ranks\berety

    I dont know if the picture is coming up, but...
    Obecnie nosi sie berety nastepujcych kolorów (Nowadays one wear berets of following colours):
    -zielone- wjednostkach wojsk ladowich (green in army units).
    -Czarny- w pododdzialach czolgow, jednostkach 11 ywizji Kawalery Paancernej, na Wwidziale Pancernym Wyzszej Oficerskiej Szkoly im. Stefana Czarnieckiego (-Black-in tank sub units, units of 11th armored cavalry division, on the faculty of Armour of Stefan Czarnecki Military Academy).
    -Bordowe-w jednostkach desantowo-szturmowych i kavalerii powietrznej. (-deep red- in Airborne and air cavalry).
    -Niebieskie-w jednostkach obrony wybrzeza (-Blue-in Coast defence).
    -Szkarlatne-w jednostkach zandarmerii wojskowy, (-Crimson- in Military Police ).
    -Brazowe- w jednostkach obrony terytorialnej, (-Brown-in territorial defence).
    -szare-w jednostce specjlnej GROM (-Grey- in special unit GROM)...

    Info taken from website of ministry of defence in Poland
    Those are the colours of todays army of Poland...

    And note that i have in my collection berets of following colours and rank insignia:
    Blue - no rankinsignia on
    Deep red - insignia of mlodszy chorazy (Junior Warrant Officer)on it.
    Black - insignia of Porucznik (1st Lieutenant) on it.
    Green - insignia of Kapitan (captain) on it.
    Gray (air force) - insignia of Pulkownik (Colonel) on it.
    Grey (GROM)- insignia of Pulkownik (Colonel) on it.
    Crimson - insignia of Pod Pulkownik (Lt Colonel) on it.
    Crimson - insignia of Pulkownik (Colonel) on it...
    All authentic items present and bought in shop that sells to armed forces of Poland.

    Location : Poland
    Registration date : 2010-12-31
    Number of posts : 11

    berets Empty Re: berets

    Post by abrakadabra Sat Feb 11, 2012 7:14 pm

    Additional info:
    Blue one from first picture looks to me like "working environment" beret (beret roboczy).

    There were also black beret for Air Force. In early '90 for all Air Force members in two variants (standard (replaced by dark grey one) and for air mechanics (replaced around 2004 by 'air mechanic cap')). Dark grey beret was replaced by garrison cap.

    Teritorial Defence Forces are no longer existing.

    After 1990 poland adopted three beret patterns (i'm not counting special forces and grom berets).

    Name : Ólafur Ólafsson
    Age : 51
    Location : Iceland
    Registration date : 2012-01-11
    Number of posts : 12

    berets Empty Re: berets

    Post by kaldi Sat Feb 11, 2012 8:26 pm

    abrakadabra wrote:Additional info:
    Blue one from first picture looks to me like "working environment" beret (beret roboczy).

    There were also black beret for Air Force. In early '90 for all Air Force members in two variants (standard (replaced by dark grey one) and for air mechanics (replaced around 2004 by 'air mechanic cap')). Dark grey beret was replaced by garrison cap.

    Teritorial Defence Forces are no longer existing.

    After 1990 poland adopted three beret patterns (i'm not counting special forces and grom berets).

    But as i was looking at uniformregulations of Polish Armed Forces then they still have the "Territorial Defence" listed.
    Just look it up on the site from wp.mil.pl or just follow the link http://www.sgwp.wp.mil.pl/plik/File/INFORMATOR%20MUND%2014.09.pdf
    And here for more info http://www.mon.gov.pl/pliki/File/umundurowanie/PROJEKT%20WWW/galoweWL.htm


    Location : France
    Registration date : 2018-01-26
    Number of posts : 71

    berets Empty Re: berets

    Post by steph04 Mon Mar 19, 2018 6:10 pm


    different rank:
    berets 108_1123

    berets 108_1223

    berets 108_0430

    10 logistic brigade of Opole:
    berets 108_0431

    dark blue:
    berets 108_0433

    berets 108_0434

    light blue:
    berets 108_0432

    berets 108_0437

    berets 108_1125


    berets 108_0435

    berets 108_1127

    berets 108_0436


    Location : Bolanda
    Registration date : 2015-07-16
    Number of posts : 11

    berets Empty Re: berets

    Post by sonderbarliebe Thu Jun 14, 2018 6:44 am

    Gentlemen, please, allow me to add my two cents and help you put all the info here in correct order.

    First of all I must admit that the collection of Steph04 is the most complete shown in this thread and is showing very nice examples. What colours do we have there?
    -green - general issue for ground forces, badged in different ranks; all are shown in current pattern of national eagle (with the crown) in two techniques: early (rubber, the same technology of manufacture as in the times of Cold War) and thermo print (shitty current issue)
    - dark blue - very nice examples, as you can see dating pre 1990 as the eagles have no crowns. We see them in two versions, one with "OC" eagle is the Civil Defence beret. The other one is much more interesting as it's the beret of Military Units of Ministry of Internal Affairs. Elite internal troops during the Cold War, people serving them even in compulsory service had thorough background screening (apart from criminal record having family in the west was definitively blocking the way to serve there)
    -light blue - with nice pre 1990 eagle, it is the beret of "naval infantry", at the time of Cold War it was 7th Assault Division later reduced in size to a brigade size and after change of doctrine from offensive to defensive doctrine in late 90s (due to participation in NATO) it was renamed as "Coastal Defence Brigade" (whilst the training and tasks for the unit remained the same...)
    -"cognac brown" - these were berets of territorial forces until disbanding in 2000s, currently after reincarnation of this branch these are issued again (here is current example with eagle with crown in thermo print). Fun fact: mentally ill former minsiter of defence of Republic of Poland whose wet dream was to create his own private army (reincarnated teritorial force) put enormous ammounts of money in equipping this bunch of civilians training for 16 days to become "teritorials" (!) and later "upgrading" their expertise with elearning (!!!) and right now the teritorial forces are the only branch apart from Special Forces that receive very high quality, once piece, pressed berets with metal eagles worn over the left eye - just the way Special Forces only used to wear. But still the creator of this abomination wanted to show how "special" they are. Well quite indeed. The example shown is typical polish beret construction however, sewn from few pieces of material
    -grey berets - worn by Military Unit 2305 but here it's not the case because the Air Force used (or still uses?) berets in this gray colour. Here we can see it clearly as it has post 1990 current issue thermo printed eagle with crown and wings on sides which denote Air Force
    -black - nice array of berets, few of which are badged for Air Force. Generally these are first and foremost berets for armored units (tank crews as well as mechanized and motorized infantrymen and any troops withing the armored unit equipped with tanks organically in their brigade or divisional structure). Where these were used in Air Force? Kill me I won't remember. This last beret was made by "Galeks" company which was the only maker of high quality berets issued to all branches during the redesignation of uniforms and equipment in 1999/2001 - which were made from one piece of hiqh quality pressed felt forming easily like the western berets do. Highly collectible items right now, and highly prized in military. Rarely seen.

    Thing worth mentioning are the cinch straps at the rear. Called, literally, "wavers" (from wave about which I wrote a post earlier, not as in waving to someon or waving on the wind). To wear these out and visible was and sometimes stll is the right only of a old soldier.

    Also please note that currently the red and maroon colours of berets are two different things in Polish Armed Forces. During good old days of Warsaw Pact the Airborne and Special Forces used to be called "red berets" because of the headgear. But after the 1990 changes some smart heads thought that the military policed newly formed in place of Military Internal Service will wear apple red headgear instead of white colours added to their uniforms and kit traditionally. That caused great confusion as to "who actually was the red beret". And from then onwards the Airborne Forces became "maroon berets" to distinguish themselves from the mps. (besides stealing an mp apple red beret is a stunt well endorsed and applauded by the Airborne Forces community).

    As for the construction of berets they were always typical Warsaw Pact fashion pancakes sewn from few pieces of material, difficult to shape and form and looking nasty on the head. As I wrote Galeks company did a short run of good quality berets but now is same old same old. SOF is the exception as they have majorily good quality pressed berets: dark/rifle green (general beret for SOF, JWK, JWA, JWN, 7EDS, SOFCom etc), black (for maritime special warfare unit Formoza or JWF currently) and light grey (for GROM). Soldiers which are hold or used to hold the operators status (were after selection course and initial basic course for special warfare soldiers) have the SOF eagle made from metal pinned into their berets. All remaining personnel which didn't finish spec warfare soldier course and/or didn't finish selection course have embroidered eagles of the same SOF type.

    Hope this helps. Best regards.

    Location : France
    Registration date : 2018-01-26
    Number of posts : 71

    berets Empty Re: berets

    Post by steph04 Fri Jun 15, 2018 9:26 pm


    Thanks for your explaination.


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