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    Dutch army RAIN gear


    Location : Holland
    Registration date : 2010-01-15
    Number of posts : 273

    Dutch army RAIN gear Empty Dutch army RAIN gear

    Post by jeva Sun Aug 22, 2010 5:20 am

    Here will come the different types off rain gear used in the Royal Dutch Army.
    After WW2 we did use the rain cape in various models.
    In Korea, we did use US-issued gear. In Lebanon (after many complaints) there was a small batch of rain gear produced in camouflage from the company Seyntex. The pants and jacket were made from nylon in a pattern similar to the Belgian army jigsaw pattern. These were popular with the troops, but it was illegal to take them home. They had to stay in-country for the next incoming group of soldiers. The only problem was that the fragile material ripped open very easily in the harsh conditions of the country. Nowadays, (even in Holland) they a hard-to-get item. Until 1993, the army still used the older totally useless raincape. It wasn't a poncho, it wasn't a jacket, it was nothing.
    After that, there came the bi-laminate and tri-laminate rain gear, and now there's even gore-tex gear.

    I will start with the Lebanon-issue camo rain jacket.
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