I recently landed an ARID climate CADPAT uniform in the same cut as the last model OD uniform (waist tabs on trousers). The tags are of the pre-CADPAT type and are dated 1997. The workmanship is top notch and all the expected features are there, so there are no obvious signs that it is a commercial piece. It is made in Pakistan (there is a separate label stating this), however I do know that the Canadian MOD had to farm out original production because domestic cloth printing lacked the ability to correctly print the digital pattern. The screwed up run of cloth which was made into FRONTANEC uniforms was part of the domestic learning process.
My question is... do any of you know if there was a test sample made in 1997? I usually am not one to believe I have something special without proof, but there's a lot of evidence that says it is. Informed commentary greatly appreciated!
My question is... do any of you know if there was a test sample made in 1997? I usually am not one to believe I have something special without proof, but there's a lot of evidence that says it is. Informed commentary greatly appreciated!