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    Soviet Tricolor/Stairstep Camo Pattern Comparison

    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

    Name : Erick
    Location : Pacific Northwest - USA
    Registration date : 2009-02-23
    Number of posts : 165

    Soviet Tricolor/Stairstep Camo Pattern Comparison Empty Soviet Tricolor/Stairstep Camo Pattern Comparison

    Post by escammo Thu Mar 10, 2011 4:54 pm

    Here is a comparison of the Soviet Tricolor and Stairstep camo patterns.

    Soviet Tricolor/Stairstep Camo Pattern Comparison Tricolor_stairstep_compare

    As you can see, the Stairstep pattern has shapes that came directly from the older Tricolor pattern.

    The Tricolor uniform on the left is a 1954 dated 2 piece suit. The Stairstep uniform on the right is a 1958 dated one-piece coverall with the older style pass-through pockets and button cuffs.

    This old Stairstep uniform is shown and described here:

    Books and websites describe the Stairstep camo pattern as being developed as late as 1968 but, in reality it was developed as early as the 1950’s using the older Tricolor pattern.

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