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    The Real Deal, USMC Issue Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket.

    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

    Location : Montreal
    Registration date : 2011-04-19
    Number of posts : 96

    The Real Deal, USMC Issue Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket. Empty The Real Deal, USMC Issue Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket.

    Post by Spañiard Tue May 31, 2011 11:46 am

    So many individuals have been ripped of on Ebay by sellers. Like Bijan knee Pads Peckham makes to types,
    the ones for USMC & SF, or the Alphabet gang. Even thou the colour are the same. The one Issued to SF, ect
    is classified as Coyote Tan, the one issued to USMC is classified as Coyote Brown, even if both are same
    exact same style and colour. The only difference is the one Issued to USMC will have the USMC EGA Black and
    Red Label. The one issued to SF, ect will have the Peckham Tag. Heads-up all Polartec fleece 100 or 300
    Long-johns Tops hat ect if it doesn't have the USMC EGA it's not USMC Issue. Note the one in Black Fleece
    300 thats USMC, also comes with the USMC EGA Red & Black Label.

    USMC Issue.

    The Real Deal, USMC Issue Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket. 1cf0_110

    The Real Deal, USMC Issue Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket. Kgrhqq11

    The Real Deal, USMC Issue Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket. Kgrhqm10

    The Real Deal, USMC Issue Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket. Kgrhqe10

    The Real Deal, USMC Issue Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket. Kgrhqm11

    The Real Deal, USMC Issue Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket. Pictur26

    The Real Deal, USMC Issue Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket. A3xlar10

    The Real Deal, USMC Issue Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket. 2623_110

    SF, or Alphabet Gang Issue with the Peckham Tag.

    The Real Deal, USMC Issue Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket. Kgrhqy10

    The Real Deal, USMC Issue Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket. Kgrhqy11

    Name : Steve Hoeger
    Age : 57
    Location : California , U.S.A
    Registration date : 2009-02-16
    Number of posts : 3068

    The Real Deal, USMC Issue Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket. Empty Re: The Real Deal, USMC Issue Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket.

    Post by panzerwerk Tue May 31, 2011 12:08 pm

    . The only difference is the one Issued to USMC will have the USMC EGA Black and
    Red Label. The one issued to SF, ect will have the Peckham Tag. Heads-up all Polartec fleece 100 or 300
    Long-johns Tops hat ect if it doesn't have the USMC EGA it's not USMC Issue.

    Sorry , but this is just not true , I got a Peckham tagged one and it was issued directly from Marine Corps to my Navy friend when he was attached to their unit for intel , the Marines set him up with everything he had so he matched the unit he was assigned too.
    Senior Sergeant
    Senior Sergeant

    Location : Africa
    Registration date : 2010-04-04
    Number of posts : 351

    The Real Deal, USMC Issue Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket. Empty Re: The Real Deal, USMC Issue Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket.

    Post by HoovieDude Tue May 31, 2011 12:10 pm

    And what is this fascination with all things SF? For what it is worth, the knee pads you keep going on about being "SF" are just common issue items, for everyone, not just "SF".
    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

    Location : Montreal
    Registration date : 2011-04-19
    Number of posts : 96

    The Real Deal, USMC Issue Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket. Empty Re: The Real Deal, USMC Issue Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket.

    Post by Spañiard Tue May 31, 2011 8:57 pm

    panzerwerk wrote:
    . The only difference is the one Issued to USMC will have the USMC EGA Black and
    Red Label. The one issued to SF, ect will have the Peckham Tag. Heads-up all Polartec fleece 100 or 300
    Long-johns Tops hat ect if it doesn't have the USMC EGA it's not USMC Issue.

    Sorry , but this is just not true , I got a Peckham tagged one and it was issued directly from Marine Corps to my Navy friend when he was attached to their unit for intel , the Marines set him up with everything he had so he matched the unit he was assigned too.

    You belive what you want to, I know what real USMC Issue is. All Marines get Peckham Fleece with the USMC EGA Tag.

    Therefore why does all 4 of mine, Have the USMC EGA Tag and not the Peckham Tag.

    Last edited by Spañiard on Tue May 31, 2011 9:25 pm; edited 2 times in total
    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

    Location : Montreal
    Registration date : 2011-04-19
    Number of posts : 96

    The Real Deal, USMC Issue Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket. Empty Re: The Real Deal, USMC Issue Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket.

    Post by Spañiard Tue May 31, 2011 9:07 pm

    HoovieDude wrote:And what is this fascination with all things SF? For what it is worth, the knee pads you keep going on about being "SF" are just common issue items, for everyone, not just "SF".

    There's No fascination with SF. The Kneepads in my Picture are USMC Issue, SF and the Alphabet Gang gets the ones with the Rivets.
    For everyone you say, all US Army that I've seen use ACU.

    This is what happens when you hang out on Ebay believing what sellers tell you.
    Senior Sergeant
    Senior Sergeant

    Location : Africa
    Registration date : 2010-04-04
    Number of posts : 351

    The Real Deal, USMC Issue Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket. Empty Re: The Real Deal, USMC Issue Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket.

    Post by HoovieDude Tue May 31, 2011 9:27 pm

    Spañiard wrote:
    HoovieDude wrote:And what is this fascination with all things SF? For what it is worth, the knee pads you keep going on about being "SF" are just common issue items, for everyone, not just "SF".

    There's No fascination with SF. The Kneepads in my Picture are USMC Issue, SF and the Alphabet Gang gets the ones with the Rivets.
    For everyone you say, all US Army that I've seen use ACU.

    This is what happens when you hang out on Ebay believing what sellers tell you.

    OR, lets just pretend for a moment that ebay has nothing to do with it, and I am a US Army veteran with 22 years of service who was issued the pads in CONUS, and wore them in theater while trading lead with bad guys. Rolling Eyes
    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

    Location : Montreal
    Registration date : 2011-04-19
    Number of posts : 96

    The Real Deal, USMC Issue Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket. Empty Re: The Real Deal, USMC Issue Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket.

    Post by Spañiard Tue May 31, 2011 10:36 pm

    HoovieDude wrote:
    Spañiard wrote:
    HoovieDude wrote:And what is this fascination with all things SF? For what it is worth, the knee pads you keep going on about being "SF" are just common issue items, for everyone, not just "SF".

    There's No fascination with SF. The Kneepads in my Picture are USMC Issue, SF and the Alphabet Gang gets the ones with the Rivets.
    For everyone you say, all US Army that I've seen use ACU.

    This is what happens when you hang out on Ebay believing what sellers tell you.

    OR, lets just pretend for a moment that ebay has nothing to do with it, and I am a US Army veteran with 22 years of service who was issued the pads in CONUS, and wore them in theater while trading lead with bad guys. Rolling Eyes

    They used CT with Old desert pattern DCU, ACU Came Next, your service in the US Forces Therefore not al are Aerosoft Ici.

    I played with the US Forces in My time ect, There's no glory in war just human Suffering, misery and devastation.

    The Real Deal, USMC Issue Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket. 01110

    The Real Deal, USMC Issue Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket. 01010

    I found a Seller on Ebay So lets bring it back in the Picture.
    Item number:220792233933.


    All my longJohns, Shirts,POLARTEC 100-300, my WATCH CAPS, "Frog" ect., that are Fleece Polartec or undershirts LEV I or II.
    have the USMC EGA Red and Black Label.

    The Real Deal, USMC Issue Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket. Bbftcb11[/url

    [url=https://servimg.com/view/16426602/77]The Real Deal, USMC Issue Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket. 1761_110

    I even Have USMC Issue Marine Corps Diapers, With the TAG! Lol.
    The Real Deal, USMC Issue Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket. Pictur28

    Name : Steve Hoeger
    Age : 57
    Location : California , U.S.A
    Registration date : 2009-02-16
    Number of posts : 3068

    The Real Deal, USMC Issue Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket. Empty Re: The Real Deal, USMC Issue Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket.

    Post by panzerwerk Tue May 31, 2011 11:23 pm

    You belive what you want to, I know what real USMC Issue is. All Marines get Peckham Fleece with the USMC EGA Tag.

    Therefore why does all 4 of mine, Have the USMC EGA Tag and not the Peckham Tag.

    Just because thats what was issued too you does not mean that is the final word , pre Marine tagged shirts could very well have been issued before Peckham was geared up with U.S. Marine tags to sew in them , Or do you think the Marines would not have issued them as they were missing the tag "sorry boys , no shirts ,they dont have the "OFFICIAL" tag " , one thing I have learned in the many years of doing this is always expect the unexpected , and never say never .
    Your comments about ebay are quite amusing since your the one bringing ebay into the equation, I brought a Navy intelligence officer who was issued the kit , and Mike speaks from years of actual service.

    Last edited by panzerwerk on Wed Jun 01, 2011 8:35 am; edited 1 time in total

    Name : Jeremy
    Location : Massachusetts
    Registration date : 2009-03-02
    Number of posts : 1419

    The Real Deal, USMC Issue Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket. Empty Re: The Real Deal, USMC Issue Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket.

    Post by Mercenary25 Tue May 31, 2011 11:48 pm

    Trust me, believe Hooviedude and Panzerwerk. Hooviedude is a veteran, so he knows what he talked about. Panzerwerk has been collecting for long time and knows many great veterans. I can vouch for them both.

    Bottom line..... The ECWS fleece jacket like this were issued to EVERYONE. Grunts and SF. The coyote brown with USMC tag like this one is for obviously USMC.

    Best quote of generation by Mr.B:: dude #$%^&* ww2 navy LMAO.

    The Real Deal, USMC Issue Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket. Oifbanner

    Senior Sergeant
    Senior Sergeant

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    The Real Deal, USMC Issue Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket. Empty Re: The Real Deal, USMC Issue Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket.

    Post by HoovieDude Wed Jun 01, 2011 12:43 am

    Yes, all my knowledge comes from ebay and airsoft. And thanks, I know firsthand the real cost of war.

    The Real Deal, USMC Issue Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket. 217959e2

    Name : Arch
    Location : Kentucky, USA
    Registration date : 2009-02-13
    Number of posts : 3328

    The Real Deal, USMC Issue Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket. Empty Re: The Real Deal, USMC Issue Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket.

    Post by nkomo Wed Jun 01, 2011 2:06 am

    Having been a collector of militaria for over 26 years now, I can tell you that there very few "absolutes" when it comes to this hobby. Since the GWOT started, what branch of service gets issued what has become "blurred" to say the least. The soldiers who have been and are being deployed are having to supplemnt their gear with commercial items and many are using other branch of services gear. Here are a few examples I can think of off the top of my head:

    1. A 20th Special Forces Group soldier wearing a Paraclete AOR uniform to blend in with the Marine detachment he is assigned to.

    2. A USAC TAC-P wearing an ACU uniform with ACU USAF tape, ACU name tape, and USAF rank in ACU.

    3. A US Navy sailor wearing an ACU with ACU US NAVY tape, US Navy rank in ACU, and ACU colored Gadsden flag

    4. USAF Security Police wearing ACU IOTV's, ACU helmet covers for their ACH, and ACU Defensor Fortis-Load Carrying System (DF-LCS). All of this worn over USAF ABU.

    Collectors of OEF/OIF are going to have a REAL problem in the future when it comes to what was used and what was not. Any soldier who visits a surplus shop around the base he/she is stationed can find non-regulation, commercial, and other branch of services "stuff". They can easily buy and use items that may not fit into our pretty picture of what we think is "right". To top it off, when a soldier is attached to another branch of service (i.e. US Navy sailor attached to a US Army unit), he/she very easily could be issued that branch of services gear/uniform.

    The four above examples are items that come from my own collection and I know for fact are 100% legit. Panzerwerk's example I know is legit as well. There are many more examples I can think of, but I think everyone gets my point. Maybe it is just me, but I don't remember having this much problem sorting out who was issued what before the GWOT started. Gosh....this all makes my head hurt trying to figure it all out!!!! affraid

    That being said, lets bring this topic back on track and y'all get back to collecting. This forum is for the sharing of ideas and knowledge. Y'all play nice. Smile

    Always looking for Central American militaria 1965 to 1991.  Especially items relating to Coronel Velasquez El Salvador Armed Forces

    Name : Arch
    Location : Kentucky, USA
    Registration date : 2009-02-13
    Number of posts : 3328

    The Real Deal, USMC Issue Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket. Empty Re: The Real Deal, USMC Issue Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket.

    Post by nkomo Wed Jun 01, 2011 9:18 am

    I forgot to add in my previous post that Mike is an invaluable source of knowledge for what was used/issued in the current conflicts. Like E.F. Hutton.....when Mike speaks, people listen!

    Always looking for Central American militaria 1965 to 1991.  Especially items relating to Coronel Velasquez El Salvador Armed Forces
    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

    Location : Montreal
    Registration date : 2011-04-19
    Number of posts : 96

    The Real Deal, USMC Issue Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket. Empty Re: The Real Deal, USMC Issue Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket.

    Post by Spañiard Wed Jun 01, 2011 12:00 pm

    Since supposedly both are USMC Issue, then I'm just informing to others who are interested in buying.
    The Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket, in Black or C.B. comes with two Types of tags. The one with
    the Peckham Tag and the one with the USMC EGA are also produced, same style and colours. Personally
    for the $$ they go for, purchasing the one that has the EGA Tag is nicer.

    Please not all my old Woodland Fatigues, Blouse, Jackets, Parka ect., even Woodland GENII & I ECWCS Gore-Tex has the
    small black USMC EGA on the Tag. And that also goes for my Bivi Woodland cover at the foot has a
    Big label with a USMC EGA.

    The Real Deal, USMC Issue Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket. Kgrhqq12

    The Real Deal, USMC Issue Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket. Kgrhqv10

    The Real Deal, USMC Issue Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket. Bivyta10

    The black ones are hard to find, whoever is interested This seller sells them. Blackhawk Warrior Wear USMC Fleece Jacket
    PolarTec 300 Black 2XL. for $100.00USf. http://www.midwayusa.com/viewProduct/?productNumber=867504

    The Real Deal, USMC Issue Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket. B2ekue10

    The Real Deal, USMC Issue Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket. 29426210

    Location : Austria
    Registration date : 2009-02-17
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    The Real Deal, USMC Issue Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket. Empty Re: The Real Deal, USMC Issue Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket.

    Post by Philip Wed Jun 01, 2011 12:33 pm

    GenI ECWCS with EGA? Pictures please!


    Location : New England, US
    Registration date : 2009-03-08
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    The Real Deal, USMC Issue Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket. Empty Re: The Real Deal, USMC Issue Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket.

    Post by CollectinSteve Wed Jun 01, 2011 7:18 pm

    Spañiard wrote:Since supposedly both are USMC Issue, then I'm just informing to others who are interested in buying.
    The Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket, in Black or C.B. comes with two Types of tags. The one with
    the Peckham Tag and the one with the USMC EGA are also produced, same style and colours. Personally
    for the $$ they go for, purchasing the one that has the EGA Tag is nicer.

    Yeah, all else being equal the type intended explicitly for a military force should be worth more than the commercial stuff that was sometimes "substituted" in as issued kit. It's only when both the contract made and commercial stuff is common as dirt, like ACUs are at the moment, that it really doesn't make a difference.

    To echo statements above... there's a ton of commercial kit out there that has been officially, semi-officially, or unofficially used by military forces. Buyer should beware of the differences because it's stupid to pay more for something that can be picked up from any decent Army/Navy shop. But buyers shouldn't be fooled into thinking that there's always a difference between contract and commercial. Sometimes there is no difference at all except for the tag. And sometimes even the military uses the commercial stuff, for one reason or another. Like this 100% commercial ACU top recently back from Baghdad:

    The Real Deal, USMC Issue Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket. IMG_6706

    Since it came from a buddy who wore it in service, I can not only say for sure it went to Baghdad and back, I can say for sure why it went there in the first place. Navy doesn't have ready stocks of ACUs, US Cavalry (or wherever he bought it) does Very Happy The trousers and hat I got were genuine issue, so eventually he managed to pick up contract kit.


    Name : Jeremy
    Location : Massachusetts
    Registration date : 2009-03-02
    Number of posts : 1419

    The Real Deal, USMC Issue Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket. Empty Re: The Real Deal, USMC Issue Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket.

    Post by Mercenary25 Thu Jun 02, 2011 1:08 am

    Those Tru-Spec DCU's came through DRMO.

    The Real Deal, USMC Issue Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket. 00311

    Best quote of generation by Mr.B:: dude #$%^&* ww2 navy LMAO.

    The Real Deal, USMC Issue Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket. Oifbanner


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    The Real Deal, USMC Issue Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket. Empty Re: The Real Deal, USMC Issue Peckham Polartec 300 Fleece Jacket.

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