Sorry if its a dumb question but is the 61 the date?
poch wrote:This camo is a little bit mysterious. Someone called it vz.58 (vz. = pattern) someone vz.60. But everyone knows it as "Mlok" (salamander). It was used by Czechoslavakia Army till the end of 60´s. Because Warshaw Pact standard pattern became "Needles" or "Rain" pattern also Czechoslovakia Army started to use "Needles" and this pattern was also vz.60!
During 70´s and 80´s were Mlok uniforms used as work uniforms in prisons and majority were sold to Africa and Middle East. There were used by guerilas like Palestina´s Jasir Arafat, etc. From Africa is also the story where some general of UN said to the captured teenage guerila:"Take your clown suit off and go home!"
A lot of pictured were sent to this forum by my friend Koalorka. Look at them.
Today are Mlok uniforms very interesting for collectors and the value is still increasing.