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    Tiger Stripe Modified Uniform Blouse

    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

    Name : Dan M
    Age : 43
    Location : USA
    Registration date : 2011-06-10
    Number of posts : 131

    Tiger Stripe Modified Uniform Blouse Empty Tiger Stripe Modified Uniform Blouse

    Post by oceanfrontguy Mon Nov 21, 2011 5:08 pm

    I just picked this up last night. Its the Vietnam-era Tiger Stripe but it looks as though its been modified with shoulder pockets and Velcro. It ALMOST looks as though it was made like this. I cant see any stitch holes where the bottom pockets would have been removed. There is no tags what-so-ever in it, or the pants that i got with this. Has anyone seen this type of blouse before or do you think it was modified by a SEAL or someone? (I live in VA Beach and we got a ton of SEALS/SWCC around here! lol). I notice there is a trident/nametag-shaped Velco piece above the left pocket. Have SEALS in modern times worn this pattern? Ive heard of them running around in the Desert Tiger Stripe... Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated! thanks much

    Tiger Stripe Modified Uniform Blouse DSCN9488

    Tiger Stripe Modified Uniform Blouse DSCN9489

    Tiger Stripe Modified Uniform Blouse DSCN9490

    Tiger Stripe Modified Uniform Blouse DSCN9491
    John Brown

    Location : Houston, Texas
    Registration date : 2011-09-11
    Number of posts : 234

    Tiger Stripe Modified Uniform Blouse Empty Re: Tiger Stripe Modified Uniform Blouse

    Post by John Brown Mon Nov 21, 2011 5:46 pm

    oceanfrontguy wrote:Have SEALS in modern times worn this pattern?

    Tiger Stripe Modified Uniform Blouse DSCN9490
    SEALs wear what SEALs want.

    This uniform is kinda unusual (to me) in that there is a seam across the back (like is found on the older jungle fatigues), and the pocket slit for the radiacmeter (aka "the pen pocket") isn't centrally located.

    So I'm leaning toward your assessment of "tailor made".
    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

    Name : Dan M
    Age : 43
    Location : USA
    Registration date : 2011-06-10
    Number of posts : 131

    Tiger Stripe Modified Uniform Blouse Empty Re: Tiger Stripe Modified Uniform Blouse

    Post by oceanfrontguy Mon Nov 21, 2011 6:43 pm

    John Brown wrote:
    oceanfrontguy wrote:Have SEALS in modern times worn this pattern?

    Tiger Stripe Modified Uniform Blouse DSCN9490
    SEALs wear what SEALs want.

    This uniform is kinda unusual (to me) in that there is a seam across the back (like is found on the older jungle fatigues), and the pocket slit for the radiacmeter (aka "the pen pocket") isn't centrally located.

    So I'm leaning toward your assessment of "tailor made".

    Tailor made as in someones living room and a sewing machine (lol) or as in modified by some operator?

    Name : Steve Hoeger
    Age : 57
    Location : California , U.S.A
    Registration date : 2009-02-16
    Number of posts : 3068

    Tiger Stripe Modified Uniform Blouse Empty Re: Tiger Stripe Modified Uniform Blouse

    Post by panzerwerk Mon Nov 21, 2011 7:02 pm

    Modern commercial tigers modified by moving the pockets to the sleeves and other mods , may have been worn in Afghanistan by a number of SF or NGO's .
    There are a few pics of SF and NGO's wearing tigers in Afghanistan , sadly Airsofters do this too.

    Juat a side note , Air Force Special operations folks also have the square patch of velcro above the pocket , like a forward air controller or PJ , but I would lean in the SEAL direction as I have not seen any AF SF wearing Tiger Stripe , the fact the uni is sterilized would lean in the SEAL or NGO direction as well .
    Nice Shirt , wish I found it LOL .
    John Brown

    Location : Houston, Texas
    Registration date : 2011-09-11
    Number of posts : 234

    Tiger Stripe Modified Uniform Blouse Empty Re: Tiger Stripe Modified Uniform Blouse

    Post by John Brown Mon Nov 21, 2011 7:07 pm

    oceanfrontguy wrote:
    Tailor made as in someones living room and a sewing machine (lol) or as in modified by some operator?
    "Tailor made" as in some operator going to a tailor (either professional or talented hobbyist) and requesting a jacket of this design.

    No visible evidence of where original pockets were points to this.
    No visible evidence of a label points to this.
    The shoulder seam points to this.
    Tiger Stripe Modified Uniform Blouse Enigma_TS

    The unusual "pen pocket" placement points to this.
    The pockets are of a modern pattern (not the pattern of the VN pattern jungle/ERDL fatigues), which points to this.

    IMHO, several design elements are from uniforms of different eras/sources, and don't come from the same uniform (that I'm aware of).

    Rigger made? Maybe.
    Tailor made? Maybe.

    I don't think it's modified (based on the OP and my observations). I think it was custom made (aka "tailor made").

    ETA: Since I'm nowhere near an expert on all things tiger stripe, it could be a chinese-made airsoft shirt, for all I know Razz

    Name : Steve Hoeger
    Age : 57
    Location : California , U.S.A
    Registration date : 2009-02-16
    Number of posts : 3068

    Tiger Stripe Modified Uniform Blouse Empty Re: Tiger Stripe Modified Uniform Blouse

    Post by panzerwerk Mon Nov 21, 2011 7:27 pm

    I have a couple Modified's that show no evidence of where the pockets were originally,if Brand new when taken to the tailor , it can look like it came that way especially since it looks like a cheap commercial hunting set with single rows of stitching, and fine looking thread , I could be wrong , some guy could have had it made from Fabric , but this seems extremely unlikely due to the vast amounts of commercial sets available,but nothing is impossible , to me it looks commercial .

    here is my set

    Tiger Stripe Modified Uniform Blouse MODGrnTig1

    And a commercial desert set I know was worn in Afghanistan , Arch has a couple sets as well.

    Tiger Stripe Modified Uniform Blouse DESERTIGER1
    Col Kurtz

    Location : Spain
    Registration date : 2011-01-16
    Number of posts : 39

    Tiger Stripe Modified Uniform Blouse Empty Re: Tiger Stripe Modified Uniform Blouse

    Post by Col Kurtz Sat Dec 03, 2011 1:24 am

    According to the source, this is a sailor of SBU now known as SWICS. He wears a commercial tiger stripe garment.

    Tiger Stripe Modified Uniform Blouse Seal-484

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