The old sheath is one I've had for 28 years. I lost the knife somewhere after the handles finally fell off. The knife is new as is the other, pointed sheath it came with.
I did the usual mod' of taking down the wooden handles so that they are the same profile as the tang. Word was it was bigger to stop your hands getting frozen to the tang but i think it was just to give you whopping blisters and make you even more miserable than you already were !
As tree-beaters go, very useful but doesn't compare with my Bear Grylls Bayley knife !
Now the '44 patt twin dropped ammo pouches.
SAS ration pouch. Takes the small ration tin only and space filled with E&E kit.
Altimeter pouch .....
'44 pattern waterbottle pouches and '44 bottle and '58 bottle
ESS goggles with rare prescription insert.
Mint '58 pattern belt. Still a good iece of kit !
Now a non British waterbottle. Canadian and of steel and insulated like a vacuum flask.
And a lovely Norwegian small pack. designed to carry the tent section and poles. When empty compacts down quite small duw to the sectional back pad.
That's all for now, Dave