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Easy Gee
Tyler Flint
10 posters

    Pictures of the Canadian Forces Before CADPAT.

    Tyler Flint
    Tyler Flint

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    Pictures of the Canadian Forces Before CADPAT. Empty Pictures of the Canadian Forces Before CADPAT.

    Post by Tyler Flint Sat May 26, 2012 4:01 pm

    Hello, Ive noticed there are not a whole lot of picture of the Canadian Forces from the 1960s-1990s (the Pre-CADPAT era) and after extensive google searches I have found very little, Im hopeing you folks could help me out. Thanks Very Happy

    Senior Sergeant
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    Name : Dale
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    Pictures of the Canadian Forces Before CADPAT. Empty Re: Pictures of the Canadian Forces Before CADPAT.

    Post by Mk1rceme Sun May 27, 2012 1:40 am

    Germany 1984 & 1985...

    Pictures of the Canadian Forces Before CADPAT. Phoca_10 Pictures of the Canadian Forces Before CADPAT. Phoca_12 Pictures of the Canadian Forces Before CADPAT. Phoca_11

    Senior Sergeant
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    Name : Dale
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    Pictures of the Canadian Forces Before CADPAT. Empty Re: Pictures of the Canadian Forces Before CADPAT.

    Post by Mk1rceme Sun May 27, 2012 1:44 am

    both pics from 1960...

    Pictures of the Canadian Forces Before CADPAT. 010-dr10

    Pictures of the Canadian Forces Before CADPAT. Sept1910
    Senior Sergeant
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    Name : Dale
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    Pictures of the Canadian Forces Before CADPAT. Empty Re: Pictures of the Canadian Forces Before CADPAT.

    Post by Mk1rceme Sun May 27, 2012 1:48 am

    Some from Life Magazine - Cyprus

    Pictures of the Canadian Forces Before CADPAT. 50581810

    Pictures of the Canadian Forces Before CADPAT. 50589710

    Pictures of the Canadian Forces Before CADPAT. 50591410
    Senior Sergeant
    Senior Sergeant

    Name : Dale
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    Pictures of the Canadian Forces Before CADPAT. Empty Re: Pictures of the Canadian Forces Before CADPAT.

    Post by Mk1rceme Sun May 27, 2012 1:53 am

    Misc pics...

    Pictures of the Canadian Forces Before CADPAT. C2lmg10 Pictures of the Canadian Forces Before CADPAT. Fnc110

    Pictures of the Canadian Forces Before CADPAT. C280-110
    Senior Lieutenant
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    Name : Dave
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    Pictures of the Canadian Forces Before CADPAT. Empty Re: Pictures of the Canadian Forces Before CADPAT.

    Post by Bury_Dave Sun May 27, 2012 11:02 am

    Great photos Tyler. Keep 'em coming !
    Junior Sergeant
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    Pictures of the Canadian Forces Before CADPAT. Empty Images of Canadians Wearing Combats

    Post by edstorey Sun May 27, 2012 3:05 pm

    Interesting images indeed, although in all fairness, credit should be given to the sources of the images especially as the last one showing the two guards in front of the Divison HQ is one of mine.

    Here are a couple of more images, with credits suitably inbedded.

    Pictures of the Canadian Forces Before CADPAT. C375-13LdSHwithaGlengarry

    Pictures of the Canadian Forces Before CADPAT. S191-6LorneScotscopy
    Senior Sergeant
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    Name : Dale
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    Pictures of the Canadian Forces Before CADPAT. Empty Re: Pictures of the Canadian Forces Before CADPAT.

    Post by Mk1rceme Sun May 27, 2012 8:36 pm

    Wish I had sources...I've had these pics for so many years I couldn't even guess where they came from. The last pic was from a P82 thread from another forum(with no source).

    Name : Steve Hoeger
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    Pictures of the Canadian Forces Before CADPAT. Empty Re: Pictures of the Canadian Forces Before CADPAT.

    Post by panzerwerk Sun May 27, 2012 8:38 pm

    Great Pictures , Thanks for sharing them !!
    Tyler Flint
    Tyler Flint

    Name : Username is the same hahahaha
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    Pictures of the Canadian Forces Before CADPAT. Empty Re: Pictures of the Canadian Forces Before CADPAT.

    Post by Tyler Flint Mon May 28, 2012 9:32 pm

    Thanks for all the great pics guys!! I really appreciate it. Smile
    Tyler Flint
    Tyler Flint

    Name : Username is the same hahahaha
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    Pictures of the Canadian Forces Before CADPAT. Empty Re: Pictures of the Canadian Forces Before CADPAT.

    Post by Tyler Flint Wed Jun 13, 2012 4:32 pm

    Noone has more pics? affraid
    Tyler Flint
    Tyler Flint

    Name : Username is the same hahahaha
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    Pictures of the Canadian Forces Before CADPAT. Empty Re: Pictures of the Canadian Forces Before CADPAT.

    Post by Tyler Flint Sun Jul 08, 2012 3:00 pm

    Just bumping this thread up. Smile
    Easy Gee
    Easy Gee

    Name : Gary
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    Pictures of the Canadian Forces Before CADPAT. Empty Re: Pictures of the Canadian Forces Before CADPAT.

    Post by Easy Gee Mon Jul 09, 2012 4:19 pm

    No more pics,but I totally agree though there isn't a great deal out there, I am a real fan of pre-cadpat , so thanks to all for all the cool ref pics here so far. Wink
    Junior Sergeant
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    Pictures of the Canadian Forces Before CADPAT. Empty Pre-CADPAT Imagery

    Post by edstorey Mon Jul 09, 2012 5:53 pm

    Don't kid yourself, there is a lot of nice pre-CADPAT imagery. Consider that OG107 Bush was used for 20 years and OG107 Combats for for 40, so just because people are not downloading it to this site, soes not mean that imagery is sparce.
    Easy Gee
    Easy Gee

    Name : Gary
    Age : 55
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    Pictures of the Canadian Forces Before CADPAT. Empty Re: Pictures of the Canadian Forces Before CADPAT.

    Post by Easy Gee Tue Jul 10, 2012 2:52 pm

    edstorey wrote:Don't kid yourself, there is a lot of nice pre-CADPAT imagery. Consider that OG107 Bush was used for 20 years and OG107 Combats for for 40, so just because people are not downloading it to this site, soes not mean that imagery is sparce.

    That's nice to know, would you care to share some links, I am sure I would not be the only one keen to find some decent CF images sites Question
    Junior Sergeant
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    Pictures of the Canadian Forces Before CADPAT. Empty Pre-CADPAT Imagery

    Post by edstorey Tue Jul 10, 2012 9:35 pm

    Ah well, as we all know Bush and Combat uniforms predate the digital era, so finding a website with free imagery could be a problem. As well all know, not everything is free nor on the web. Here is an image from 1961.

    Pictures of the Canadian Forces Before CADPAT. EF61-9398-1
    Senior Lieutenant
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    Name : Dave
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    Pictures of the Canadian Forces Before CADPAT. Empty Re: Pictures of the Canadian Forces Before CADPAT.

    Post by Bury_Dave Wed Jul 11, 2012 4:31 am

    I agree with Gary, there is not a lot of imagery FREELY available compared to the number of Cadpat images freely available. There may be more photos of og than cadpat but if they are all in private hands or museum archives then they may as well not exist for the rest of us.

    Some of those shots that are posted make you wonder why cadpat got adopted as OG looks to be very good at blending in and in pretty much all those photos freely available, you'd be hard put to say where cadpat wold be a definite advantage. Other than looking more warry perhaps Wink
    Junior Sergeant
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    Pictures of the Canadian Forces Before CADPAT. Empty OG107 vs Camouflage

    Post by edstorey Wed Jul 11, 2012 6:29 am

    I have documentation which outlines how Canada had been wrestling with adapting a camouflage field uniform to replace the OG107 Combats since at least the mid-1970s. Several camouflage patterns were trialed but in the end results seemed to lead to that the OG107 was the best colour that blended into most terrain.

    I think though at some point even if OG107 is the best, that you may have to give into current trends and develop some form of camouflage. You get the question that if everyone else has camouflage, then why do we not have it?

    The strangest thing with CADPAT is that the cut of the clothing is very similar to the OG107 Combats from nearly 50 years ago. Apparently when the trials were conducted, the troops involved liked the cut of the OG107s. For me, cut styling is something I would have changed years ago.
    Senior Lieutenant
    Senior Lieutenant

    Name : Dave
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    Pictures of the Canadian Forces Before CADPAT. Empty Re: Pictures of the Canadian Forces Before CADPAT.

    Post by Bury_Dave Wed Jul 11, 2012 7:48 am

    Totally agree with you there Ed Smile Especially the idea of carrying magazines in the pockets of a shirt made from such a flimsy material. How long were they going to last ?

    But I do have to say that the cut and design of the trousers has always been good. Especially the old quarpel ones. They would survive a nuclear war even if the rest of you vaporised !

    Easy Gee
    Easy Gee

    Name : Gary
    Age : 55
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    Pictures of the Canadian Forces Before CADPAT. Empty Re: Pictures of the Canadian Forces Before CADPAT.

    Post by Easy Gee Wed Jul 11, 2012 1:17 pm

    Great thanks Ed Smile
    I like this 61 dated image a lot,there's a lot going on in this pic. I own a set of Cadpat, BUT still prefer all the OG stuff I have , in fact I would go as far as saying that I have always felt the CF OG stuff was way ahead of it's time in lot's of ways!
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    Pictures of the Canadian Forces Before CADPAT. Empty Re: Pictures of the Canadian Forces Before CADPAT.

    Post by Spañiard Wed Aug 15, 2012 12:54 pm

    If you check my threads or Posts I inserted Pics of Me in CF.OG. Mag Pockets not very comfortable if
    your carrying 7.62 20 rounds Mags in them, and never used them for Mags.

    OG a head of it's Time, now thats debatable. A Yes you could eat the Buttons, Lol
    Junior Sergeant
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    Pictures of the Canadian Forces Before CADPAT. Empty Canadian OG107 Combats

    Post by edstorey Wed Aug 15, 2012 2:07 pm

    Yes, a number of features of the Canadian OG107s were quite advanced for their time, especially the buttons which in the last 20 years seem to have been adapted by a number of NATO countries for their uniforms.

    I agree that the magazine pockets were a pain in the .... ah nipple and should have been dropped years ago. The Mk III Combat Shirt was a total redesign addressing this problem and was issued for a few short years in the late 1980s but apparently I was the only person in the CF who liked it. The Mk III Trousers stayed and I have always liked the cut of the OG107 Trousers and I agree the older models were nearly indestructable.

    The shirt pocket magazine carriers were designed to complement the 1964 Pattern Web Equipment which was being released at about the same time as the OG107 Combats. The 1964 Pattern Web was mistakenly developed without a Magazine Pouch which proved to be an error and apparently those who were doing the uniform trials liked the OG107 pockets, so they stayed. It took until 1982 to replace the 1964 Pattern Web with a more practical design.
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    Pictures of the Canadian Forces Before CADPAT. Empty Re: Pictures of the Canadian Forces Before CADPAT.

    Post by Spañiard Wed Aug 15, 2012 9:17 pm

    The Buttons were made from Boiling Milk and Vinegar. The actual old way Billiard balls were first mad.

    The Old OG was much heavier, I remember the New after few moths wear on the Butt and Front above the Knee.
    Your left just with an oval patch of the first layer of the Material the other part disappeared.
    That's the Best I can Explain.

    In those times the Early 80s I had USMC BDU Issue Rip-Stop and USMC Webbing with mag pouches, butt pack, ect.
    I remember in 77 I hated that CF. Webbing those thin straps after awhile were irritating and the Rattling from the Mess kite.
    The pouches with those thin Velcro straps that attaches to the belt, in Winter would not close properly, lost few pouches on exercises.
    Not counting the few pouches the plastic to lock the pouch snapped.

    The CF. Winter stuff was superior to the US Gear in those times, especially the sleeping bag, I can assure you. Lolll

    Piss Pots in those time all Same.
    Junior Sergeant
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    Pictures of the Canadian Forces Before CADPAT. Empty Buttons

    Post by edstorey Wed Aug 15, 2012 10:13 pm

    Buttons made from boiling milk and vinegar, okay..... Show me a document that proves that.
    Junior Sergeant
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    Pictures of the Canadian Forces Before CADPAT. Empty Re: Pictures of the Canadian Forces Before CADPAT.

    Post by Spañiard Thu Aug 16, 2012 2:43 pm

    Sorry just wiped my Arse with the Document, however those are the Facts concerning CF. Buttons for Old OG.
    Buttons were made from Milk and Vinegar that's why they were Eatable.
    In the Olden Days they made Plastic and especially Buttons that way.

    How to make Plastic out of Milk & Vinegar.

    Exploring the science:

    Milk contains a variety of substances suspended in water but one of the main constituents of skimmed milk is the protein CASEIN. Adding vinegar to milk (changing the acidity) causes the Casein to polymerize i.e. the structure of the casein changes, long chained molecules are formed, and the casein comes out of solution. Plastics are well known polymers, they are usually made from petroleum oil but in this case, we have created a plastic made from milk.

    At one time buttons were commonly made from casein ‘plastic’, nowadays petroleum-based plastic is used due largely to cost.


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