by CollectinSteve Sat Aug 24, 2013 1:04 am
It's a standard Chinese Type 9x (where x = a specific year of the design) jacket design. There were a few variations and I don't remember what the differences are, but either way it's a standard PLA cut. As far as I know this cut was not exported to other nations, though it was widely used as a commercial uniform using surplus cloth. All have PLA type markings, though someone who knows the details of those markings (not me!) can see that they are not PLA.
The Chinese wore this as a standard top without anything, or just an undershirt, worn beneath.
I think I have sold/traded all of my Chinese cut uniforms in the NA pattern, but I did check some pictures and yours is the same type as mine.
If you have a picture of this exact cut being used in Afghanistan that would be cool to see. I've tried to find one and so far haven't.