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    A Few More Camo Uniforms to ID

    Sergeant Major
    Sergeant Major

    Location : California
    Registration date : 2011-12-12
    Number of posts : 412

    A Few More Camo Uniforms to ID Empty A Few More Camo Uniforms to ID

    Post by Camonut314 Mon Jun 30, 2014 5:55 pm

    Alright, first one up is a recent purchase, all that is known is that it was made in Pakistan, and it is really poor quality manufacture. The jacket is three pockets with weak snap closure, zipper is YKK, and pants have no pockets and are pull-over type.

    A Few More Camo Uniforms to ID P1020010

    A Few More Camo Uniforms to ID P1020011

    Second one I have had for a while, just never got around to posting it and it got lost in the mess. It is a sumpftarn derivative, and it is manufactured in England. Probably a commercial piece, but possibly a contract for a foreign country? Probably not Libya, I have included a comparison of that pattern jsut because that was the first country that popped into my mind.

    A Few More Camo Uniforms to ID P1020012

    A Few More Camo Uniforms to ID P1020013

    A Few More Camo Uniforms to ID P1020014

    Location : New England, US
    Registration date : 2009-03-08
    Number of posts : 7009

    A Few More Camo Uniforms to ID Empty Re: A Few More Camo Uniforms to ID

    Post by CollectinSteve Tue Jul 01, 2014 1:20 am

    First one is some sort of commercial uniform, or is at least highly likely to be.

    The second one is absolutely 100% commercial. Western Survival Research was the company of Joe Francis, an American who bought and sold militaria primarily in the 1980s and into the 1990s. He then transitioned to military vehicle paint and then vehicles themselves. At one time he was THE MAN if you wanted an ex-Briitish Ferret armored car or parts. Interesting character.

    Joe was one of the early suppliers of post war camouflage militaria. His collection was very large and amazing before he sold it (I have parts of it bought directly and indirectly). He also was a wheeler and dealer of bulk purchases of legitimate, hard to find things. His largest haul was Egyptian stuff which he bought from a corrupt general. Anyway... he also had many things manufactured in Pakistan and at least this one batch of BGS uniforms made in Britain. I'm pretty sure they were made by the firm Comptom Webb, which is a well known supplier of genuine British military clothing.

    I've had a couple of these over the years and have seen them turn up here and there in discussions. There's no connection to Libya. These were part of Joe's "fantasy" items made in exotic (at the time) patterns for commercial sales only. His other well known set is loosely based on Chilean Rana (mountain) pattern.

    Sergeant Major
    Sergeant Major

    Location : California
    Registration date : 2011-12-12
    Number of posts : 412

    A Few More Camo Uniforms to ID Empty Re: A Few More Camo Uniforms to ID

    Post by Camonut314 Tue Jul 01, 2014 1:53 am

    Cool! Thanks for the info, both were relatively cheap so I am ok with it being commercial. The story behind the sumpfmuster is completely worth it. The other, I want to check around more, I thought I saw a similar pattern being used by a rebel group somewhere, I'll see if I can't dig up the photo.

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