I received this today. I'm guessing it's a Pattern 08 belt based on its layout.
![Black Pattern 1908 Webbing Belt I9I0J66EwR7XO](https://2img.net/h/i.minus.com/i9I0J66EwR7XO.jpg)
![Black Pattern 1908 Webbing Belt IbwdkuY3l2D2qf](https://2img.net/h/i.minus.com/ibwdkuY3l2D2qf.jpg)
No markings anywhere at all.
Is there any significance to the black color? The interior side of the belt is a dark olive green.
![Black Pattern 1908 Webbing Belt I9I0J66EwR7XO](https://2img.net/h/i.minus.com/i9I0J66EwR7XO.jpg)
![Black Pattern 1908 Webbing Belt IbwdkuY3l2D2qf](https://2img.net/h/i.minus.com/ibwdkuY3l2D2qf.jpg)
No markings anywhere at all.
Is there any significance to the black color? The interior side of the belt is a dark olive green.