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    PMC Namibian Lizard Shirt

    Sergeant Major
    Sergeant Major

    Location : California
    Registration date : 2011-12-12
    Number of posts : 409

    PMC Namibian Lizard Shirt Empty PMC Namibian Lizard Shirt

    Post by Camonut314 Fri Aug 21, 2015 5:31 pm

    I have been coveting this shirt for months and finally decided it belonged in my collection enough to make the shlep down to where it was located.

    The shirt came from a friend who bought it from a private military contractor who until very recently was working as a Wildlife Preserve guard somewhere (forgot to ask exactly where) in Africa. As to his history previous to that assignment he was a little obfuscating and evasive. My friend the pointed out to me that he remembered seeing some members of EO using this pattern which I am fairly certain is Namibian. So far I have only found one photograph to substantiate such a claim, however I have no reason to doubt my friend as he has had very close ties to the special forces/ law enforcement/ military community and was once approached by EO for a business proposition.

    However, I always welcome additional information and in fact I would appreciate anyone who might know what the rank badge on the left side would indicate. Thanks in advance.

    PMC Namibian Lizard Shirt 2015-010

    PMC Namibian Lizard Shirt 2015-011

    PMC Namibian Lizard Shirt 2015-012

    PMC Namibian Lizard Shirt 2015-014

    Lots of nice repairs...

    PMC Namibian Lizard Shirt 2015-013

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