by Ghoward2 Sun Jun 05, 2016 11:45 pm
CollectinSteve wrote:Legit. There is a long sleeved version of this from the same manufacturer. Maybe yours is customized to be short sleeved? The SWITZERLAND arc should be on the left shoulder, though. See if it was removed or maybe this was made before the arc was introduced.
There is evidence of a removed patch on the left shoulder. I missed the opportunity to get one of these a few months back because I thought it was a reproduction, I am glad I jumped on this chance to buy one.
mylle wrote:Short sleeved shirts have been issued to Swiss troops in Kosovo IIRC.
Sweet. I have a friend who has a Kosovo issued hat, I may have to coax him to sell it to me
If you guys find out any more info on them, I am happy to hear it!
Thank you!