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5 posters

    some of my Austro-Camo stuff


    Location : Austria
    Registration date : 2017-01-29
    Number of posts : 12

    some of my Austro-Camo stuff Empty some of my Austro-Camo stuff

    Post by Michi Sun Jan 29, 2017 5:41 pm

    here are pictures of some of my Austrian Camoflage stuff.
    I've been now the 26th year in the Austrian Army, BUT I have never heard of Erbsen-Tarn/Erbsenmuster (~ pea-pattern).
    Only Fleckerlteppich (~ rag rug) or K 4/K IV

    Let's start with the smaller items:
    (items are upgraded for the use with KAZ 1 / KAZ 2 and KAZ 3 of the Kampfanzug 75 and used between 1994-2001/03)

    ABC-Schutzmaskentasche (~ Gasmask Bag) & Feldflaschenhülle (~ Canteen Cover) & Feldspatenhülle (~ Shovel Cover)
    some of my Austro-Camo stuff Dscn0110

    Feldspatenhülle (~ Shovel Cover)
    some of my Austro-Camo stuff Dscn0111

    some of my Austro-Camo stuff Dscn0114

    some of my Austro-Camo stuff Dscn0118

    Feldflaschenhülle (~ Canteen Cover)
    some of my Austro-Camo stuff Dscn0115

    some of my Austro-Camo stuff Dscn0117

    ABC-Schutzmaskentasche (~ Gasmask Bag)
    some of my Austro-Camo stuff Dscn0113

    some of my Austro-Camo stuff Dscn0112

    some of my Austro-Camo stuff Dscn0116

    Schlafsack, hier als Alpinschlafsack (~ sleeping bag, here in the version for mountain troops)
    sleeping bag cover filled with leaves or other soft materials, could be used as pillow
    some of my Austro-Camo stuff Dscn0120

    some of my Austro-Camo stuff Dscn0119

    some of my Austro-Camo stuff Dscn0122

    some of my Austro-Camo stuff Dscn0123

    here you can see the isolation
    some of my Austro-Camo stuff Dscn0121

    it's my first posting; so I hope it works.

    mfG mICHi

    Location : Austria
    Registration date : 2017-01-29
    Number of posts : 12

    some of my Austro-Camo stuff Empty Re: some of my Austro-Camo stuff

    Post by Michi Sun Jan 29, 2017 6:13 pm

    here are a few of my Austro-Camo parkers & jackets:

    a Kampfanzugsjacke M59 für Panzerbesatzungen (~ a battle dress jacket M59 for tank crews)
    some of my Austro-Camo stuff Dscn0124

    some of my Austro-Camo stuff Dscn0125

    some of my Austro-Camo stuff Dscn0126

    some of my Austro-Camo stuff Dscn0127

    a Kampfanzugsjacke lang M59 Infanterie (~ a battle dress parker M59 for infantry)
    only worn two times:
    for one ting to test the fit as it was not my elephant size (112-116 VII-VIII)
    for another thing, in a very special ceremonial situation (pics will follow)
    some of my Austro-Camo stuff Dscn0130

    some of my Austro-Camo stuff Dscn0132

    some of my Austro-Camo stuff Dscn0129

    some of my Austro-Camo stuff Dscn0134

    some of my Austro-Camo stuff Dscn0131

    some of my Austro-Camo stuff Dscn0133

    some of my Austro-Camo stuff Dscn0136

    some of my Austro-Camo stuff Dscn0135

    some of my Austro-Camo stuff Dscn0128

    a Kampfanzugsjacke M69 (~ a battle dress jacket M69)
    some of my Austro-Camo stuff Dscn0139

    some of my Austro-Camo stuff Dscn0137

    mfG mICHi

    Location : Austria
    Registration date : 2017-01-29
    Number of posts : 12

    some of my Austro-Camo stuff Empty Re: some of my Austro-Camo stuff

    Post by Michi Sun Jan 29, 2017 6:30 pm

    here are two of my Austro-Camo trousers:

    direct comparison of
    a Kampfanzugshose M59 für Panzerbesatzungen (~ battle dress trousers M59 for tank crews)
    only worn once:
    to test the fit as it was not exactly my elephant size (112-116 VII-VIII)
    a Kampfanzugshose M69 (~ battle dress trousers M69)
    only worn once:
    for another thing, in a very special ceremonial situation (pics will follow)
    some of my Austro-Camo stuff Dscn0141

    some of my Austro-Camo stuff Dscn0140

    some of my Austro-Camo stuff Dscn0144

    some of my Austro-Camo stuff Dscn0143

    some of my Austro-Camo stuff Dscn0142

    some of my Austro-Camo stuff Dscn0146

    some of my Austro-Camo stuff Dscn0145

    mfG mICHi
    Lieutenant Colonel
    Lieutenant Colonel

    Name : Alex
    Location : Austria
    Registration date : 2013-10-18
    Number of posts : 2311

    some of my Austro-Camo stuff Empty Re: some of my Austro-Camo stuff

    Post by mylle Sun Jan 29, 2017 6:49 pm

    Nice batch of Austrian stuff. Good to see such mint pieces.
    Definitely not so easy any more to find them in this condition, even in Austria.

    Location : Austria
    Registration date : 2017-01-29
    Number of posts : 12

    some of my Austro-Camo stuff Empty a very special ceremonial situation

    Post by Michi Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:03 pm

    Me as Knecht Rupprecht (~ Farmhand Rupert / Servant Rupert) dressed in

    a Kampfanzugshose M69 (~ battle dress trousers M69)
    worn for the first and also the last time
    a Kampfanzugsjacke lang M59 Infanterie (~ a battle dress parker M59 for infantry)
    worn for the second and also the last time

    also worn is a Fliegerregenjacke, gleich einer Alpinüberjacke (~ rain jacket for flying/air crews; similar to that for mountain troops),
    added by Fliegerschuhe mit Pelzfutter (~ boots for flying/air crews w/ fur lining)

    some of my Austro-Camo stuff 2009-111

    some of my Austro-Camo stuff 2009-112

    some of my Austro-Camo stuff 2009-116

    some of my Austro-Camo stuff 2009-115

    some of my Austro-Camo stuff 2009-113

    military chaplain in cassock and light combat boots
    some of my Austro-Camo stuff 2009-114
    some of my Austro-Camo stuff 2009-110

    mfG mICHi

    Name : Andrew
    Location : Canada
    Registration date : 2014-01-18
    Number of posts : 1409

    some of my Austro-Camo stuff Empty Re: some of my Austro-Camo stuff

    Post by Wolverine Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:26 pm

    Great stuff - I really like that modified canteen carrier.

    Location : Austria
    Registration date : 2017-01-29
    Number of posts : 12

    some of my Austro-Camo stuff Empty Re: some of my Austro-Camo stuff

    Post by Michi Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:44 pm

    as I did a very good job (according my superiors) in surroundings of difficulties (strict orders, sometimes contradicting) without being trained for and even far away from the prescribed rank, I  got a very nice thank-you gift after finishing the job:

    some of my Austro-Camo stuff Dscn0148

    in action, during a pub crawl
    some of my Austro-Camo stuff Img_0111

    mfG mICHi

    Location : USA
    Registration date : 2012-12-29
    Number of posts : 2838

    some of my Austro-Camo stuff Empty Re: some of my Austro-Camo stuff

    Post by ripcord Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:48 pm

    Now that's a tie I could wear !!

    Great mint pieces and great posts .



    Location : New England, US
    Registration date : 2009-03-08
    Number of posts : 6965

    some of my Austro-Camo stuff Empty Re: some of my Austro-Camo stuff

    Post by CollectinSteve Mon Jan 30, 2017 4:06 am

    Welcome to the forum! You have some of the nicest condition pieces out there! And I say this as someone who has seen a lot of pieces in my years Smile Not as much as you, but my first piece was purchased in 1991. So I've got 26 years of being in love with Austrian stuff. My daily shoes are M75 boots (I am on my third pair) Wink

    I really like the MOLLE modifications to the shovel and canteen covers. Do you know who made those modifications? I have not seen them before.

    I love your Krawatte Very Happy


    Location : Austria
    Registration date : 2017-01-29
    Number of posts : 12

    some of my Austro-Camo stuff Empty Re: some of my Austro-Camo stuff

    Post by Michi Mon Jan 30, 2017 10:04 am

    CollectinSteve wrote:
    I really like the MOLLE modifications to the shovel and canteen covers.  Do you know who made those modifications?  I have not seen them before.

    I love your Krawatte Very Happy


    I had and still have very good contacts (even in time of being a recruit(!!!) back then) to our military tailors and military shoemakers in the barracks & and air bases l've been soldiering.
    So the modifications were done in local military tailor shop.

    The idea of this tie was not done by my superiors, as they were looking for a special gift, but didn't know what kind of. It was the idea of a military tailor who knew my preferences for the Fleckerlteppich.

    mfG mICHi

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