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    80's RM Artic Windproof Smock


    Name : Graham
    Age : 59
    Location : West Sussex
    Registration date : 2010-08-11
    Number of posts : 919

    80's RM Artic Windproof Smock Empty 80's RM Artic Windproof Smock

    Post by loski Tue Feb 27, 2018 6:45 pm

    I acquired this size 190/120 80's windproof smock going by the FFD pocket on the upper left sleeve as the lable is washed out and near unreadable on ebay for the princely sum of £26.02 including shipping, The hood wire had broken and the edge of the hood visor was worn through so I removed it and used the fabric to make new cuffs as the edges of the cuffs had also worn through I also patched a tears in the left bottom pocket I also replaced the missing bottom draw cord with a piece of elastic so I can wear it with the bottom bloused up around my hips in the style we wore our smocks in the 80's Im also waiting some green velcro to replace the worn out velcro on the smock. I know its no longer authentic but I have a comfy wearable smock.

    80's RM Artic Windproof Smock Wind_p13

    80's RM Artic Windproof Smock Windpr19

    80's RM Artic Windproof Smock Windpr20

    80's RM Artic Windproof Smock Windpr17

    80's RM Artic Windproof Smock Windpr18

    Location : England
    Registration date : 2013-12-02
    Number of posts : 216

    80's RM Artic Windproof Smock Empty Re: 80's RM Artic Windproof Smock

    Post by Edward53 Fri Mar 02, 2018 1:25 pm

    Well they were made to be worn and they make a very comfortable walking jacket! I think that's actually a mid 90s one, going by the colour which is identical to one I have and the lack of a maker name on the label.

    Name : Graham
    Age : 59
    Location : West Sussex
    Registration date : 2010-08-11
    Number of posts : 919

    80's RM Artic Windproof Smock Empty Re: 80's RM Artic Windproof Smock

    Post by loski Fri Mar 02, 2018 1:35 pm

    Ok thanks for that it makes a light warm comfy jacket considering the weather we are having at the moment.

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    80's RM Artic Windproof Smock Empty Re: 80's RM Artic Windproof Smock

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