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    SADF and Rhodesia canteens questions


    Name : Michael
    Location : Russia
    Registration date : 2019-12-14
    Number of posts : 5

    SADF and Rhodesia canteens questions Empty SADF and Rhodesia canteens questions

    Post by aslambek1974 Thu Dec 26, 2019 9:28 am

    Greetings to all participants. I am very interested in African canteens, I read articles about canteens here and in other forums,
    but many points remained incomprehensible to me. I would like to clarify something, please correct my mistakes)


    I tried to do this in chronological order:

    1) Pattern 61/64 water bottle (aluminum model in a plastic shell similar to the early German Bundeswehr model (but with the words "dont heat" on the shell, in Afrikaans and English)
    Patt 61 did not have a cover and was worn on a hook, Patt 64 was already worn inside the cover with buttons ( Early and late type of cover existed).

    2) Pattern 70 - "American type" plastic bottle (early models also had a warning inscription on the body in two languages).
    Also included was a older US model stainless cup. The cover was attached to the belt with two vertical loops of fabric and also had an additional hook with a rivet. A loop is also sewn on the front of the cover (Tell me what is it for?)

    3) Pattern 83 - 2 Liter plastic bottle, tall and rectangular.

    4) Pattern 90 - "American type" plastic bottle in a rather complicated camouflage case with pockets on the side, and a cord pressing the canteen. This is for special forces?


    If I understood correctly, it was first used Pattern 61/64, also later Rhodesian Pattern 69 (with a plastic canteen own productions - they were distinguished by a brighter, green plastic).

    I could not find out more information, possibly due to poor knowledge of English. I will be very grateful if help me figure out these riddles.

    Best regards, Michael

    Name : Michael
    Location : Russia
    Registration date : 2019-12-14
    Number of posts : 5

    SADF and Rhodesia canteens questions Empty Re: SADF and Rhodesia canteens questions

    Post by aslambek1974 Mon Dec 30, 2019 5:27 pm

    Thank you guys very much for the answers. You are very responsive. Best wishes to you and your family!

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