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    Verseidag Ultimax Modulär body armor, German made and Austrian SF used

    Senior Lieutenant
    Senior Lieutenant

    Name : Michel Wijnand
    Age : 35
    Location : The Netherlands
    Registration date : 2016-11-09
    Number of posts : 808

    Verseidag Ultimax Modulär body armor, German made and Austrian SF used Empty Verseidag Ultimax Modulär body armor, German made and Austrian SF used

    Post by michelwijnand Mon Mar 14, 2022 3:49 pm

    Found this one a few weeks ago, it came with lots of extra pieces, the vest itself is empty but the extra's all have the soft inserts.
    It's yet another variant of the Mar-CIRAS vest from Eagle Industries, with some obvious modifications to the concept, and some less
    obvious ones, like how it has pockets under the flaps closing the sides, which I believe to be meant for sideplates, 2 at he front-side and
    2 at the kidneys, which are located overlapping with the large backplate for some reason, which could mean those have another purpose.

    Verseidag Ultimax Modulär body armor, German made and Austrian SF used Dsc06356
    Verseidag Ultimax Modulär body armor, German made and Austrian SF used Dsc06355
    Verseidag Ultimax Modulär body armor, German made and Austrian SF used Dsc06354
    Verseidag Ultimax Modulär body armor, German made and Austrian SF used Dsc06359
    Verseidag Ultimax Modulär body armor, German made and Austrian SF used Dsc06358
    Verseidag Ultimax Modulär body armor, German made and Austrian SF used Dsc06357
    Verseidag Ultimax Modulär body armor, German made and Austrian SF used Dsc06360
    Verseidag Ultimax Modulär body armor, German made and Austrian SF used Dsc06361
    Verseidag Ultimax Modulär body armor, German made and Austrian SF used Dsc06362

    Of course there's no manuals fir it anywhere to be found, same with photos with all parts in use together, so this is how I expect it to be assembled.

    Verseidag Ultimax Modulär body armor, German made and Austrian SF used Dsc06363
    Verseidag Ultimax Modulär body armor, German made and Austrian SF used Dsc06364

    And here's 2 photos where it is used by Jagdkommando troops in Chad, though 1 of them is just hanging on the car.
    If only I knew what modular vest and pouches are worn over it I could make this loadout...

    Verseidag Ultimax Modulär body armor, German made and Austrian SF used 25663_10
    Verseidag Ultimax Modulär body armor, German made and Austrian SF used Sof8_910

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