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    Italian to US sizing ?


    Location : OHIO
    Registration date : 2023-12-16
    Number of posts : 7

    Italian to US sizing ? Empty Italian to US sizing ?

    Post by SHARKY Sun Dec 17, 2023 7:09 pm

    Any help on Italian sizing.. I have seen some what I think are original tags ( Shirts / Jackets ) with just a single number and also two numbers which makes sense but not sure about the single digit numbers?

    I am looking for my self and I’m a US XL and on a German size chart a Gr15 if that helps.


    Location : USA
    Registration date : 2012-12-29
    Number of posts : 2866

    Italian to US sizing ? Empty Re: Italian to US sizing ?

    Post by ripcord Sun Dec 17, 2023 11:57 pm

    US XL should be 56, or 58.

     I am an US XL and can sometimes fit into 54, and even 52, but not super comfortably.

    I suggest 56.    When there is a single number, I suggest an 8... Some small batch unit uniforms sometimes use US sizing as well..

    Keep in mind, a lot of different contractors make Italian uniforms, and some were/are made in Romania.  Romanian made uniforms are fairly consistent when it comes to size, but not all Italian contract uniforms are.


    Location : OHIO
    Registration date : 2023-12-16
    Number of posts : 7

    Italian to US sizing ? Empty Re: Italian to US sizing ?

    Post by SHARKY Sun Dec 24, 2023 1:38 pm

    Thanks for your help! I’m looking for some of the Desert trousers and shirts but these bigger sizes are tougher to find !

    ripcord likes this post


    Location : USA
    Registration date : 2012-12-29
    Number of posts : 2866

    Italian to US sizing ? Empty Re: Italian to US sizing ?

    Post by ripcord Thu Jan 04, 2024 2:14 am

    My pleasure..

    If you are looking for an XL, this should work . I am an XL and this fits perfectly..

                                                                          Italian to US sizing ? 20230431

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    Italian to US sizing ? Empty Re: Italian to US sizing ?

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