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2 posters

    Worst-ever Repro SS smock or something postwar??


    Name : Doc
    Location : Western Pennsylvania
    Registration date : 2021-10-21
    Number of posts : 41

    Worst-ever Repro SS smock or something postwar?? Empty Worst-ever Repro SS smock or something postwar??

    Post by Doc_KeystoneDiv Fri Jan 12, 2024 10:26 pm

    Hey gang,

    I collect camouflage uniforms and am constantly browsing eBay and other sites looking for patterns and uniforms I don't have. This popped up and caught my attention..

    Is this just a really, really, really bad attempt at a blurred edge smock, or is it something produced postwar in the style of SS smocks; several nations copied their camo patterns, this is why i bother to ask.

    I reenacted when I was a kid (almost 20 years ago), and my primary impression was LAH, so I've seen a bad reproduction or two, but can't remember seeing anything this bad; single sided camo, velcro, waist tie, wrong camo loops, pattern is awful, it just strikes me as almost too bad for an attempt at a reproduction (almost, nothing is impossible) and maybe it was something else. Any suggestions from those with more knowledge than myself?

    Thanks for the help!!

    Worst-ever Repro SS smock or something postwar?? 20240111
    Worst-ever Repro SS smock or something postwar?? 20240112
    Worst-ever Repro SS smock or something postwar?? 20240110

    Location : New England, US
    Registration date : 2009-03-08
    Number of posts : 7005

    Worst-ever Repro SS smock or something postwar?? Empty Re: Worst-ever Repro SS smock or something postwar??

    Post by CollectinSteve Sat Jan 13, 2024 9:32 am

    locking this thread as it is a duplicate of this one:


    No point discussing the same thing in two places Very Happy


      Current date/time is Wed Jan 15, 2025 11:47 pm