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    Worst-ever Repro SS smock or something postwar??


    Name : Doc
    Location : Western Pennsylvania
    Registration date : 2021-10-21
    Number of posts : 41

    Worst-ever Repro SS smock or something postwar?? Empty Worst-ever Repro SS smock or something postwar??

    Post by Doc_KeystoneDiv Fri Jan 12, 2024 10:27 pm

    Hey gang,

    I collect camouflage uniforms and am constantly browsing eBay and other sites looking for patterns and uniforms I don't have. This popped up and caught my attention..

    Is this just a really, really, really bad attempt at a blurred edge smock, or is it something produced postwar in the style of SS smocks; several nations copied their camo patterns, this is why i bother to ask.

    I reenacted when I was a kid (almost 20 years ago), and my primary impression was LAH, so I've seen a bad reproduction or two, but can't remember seeing anything this bad; single sided camo, velcro, waist tie, wrong camo loops, pattern is awful, it just strikes me as almost too bad for an attempt at a reproduction (almost, nothing is impossible) and maybe it was something else. Any suggestions from those with more knowledge than myself?

    Thanks for the help!!

    Worst-ever Repro SS smock or something postwar?? 20240111
    Worst-ever Repro SS smock or something postwar?? 20240112
    Worst-ever Repro SS smock or something postwar?? 20240110

    Location : California
    Registration date : 2022-08-03
    Number of posts : 38

    Worst-ever Repro SS smock or something postwar?? Empty Re: Worst-ever Repro SS smock or something postwar??

    Post by Sanglier Sat Jan 13, 2024 1:00 am

    I have one of these. The HBT fabric is French surplus, printed in the green version of the experimental Texunion pattern from the mid '70s. I vaguely remember Wolfram Deibel selling them in the late 1980s, but I threw away all those catalogs long ago and can no longer verify my (very faulty) memory.

    The seller from whom I bought mine insisted that it was Bundeswehr Truppenversuch, but I have a very hard time believing this, given the origin of the fabric and the way the smock was made. I only got it to study the camo pattern, as I have zero expectation of ever acquiring a genuine Texunion pattern trial uniform.


    Location : New England, US
    Registration date : 2009-03-08
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    Worst-ever Repro SS smock or something postwar?? Empty Re: Worst-ever Repro SS smock or something postwar??

    Post by CollectinSteve Sat Jan 13, 2024 9:24 am

    Ah yes, the supposed Bundeswehr experimental smock! Been a long time since I thought of those. I've seen some in legit Bundeswehr Flecktarn too.

    Cool that this one was made from legit test cloth from extremely rare French trials. The cloth itself is worth something even if the smock isn't.


    Location : California
    Registration date : 2022-08-03
    Number of posts : 38

    Worst-ever Repro SS smock or something postwar?? Empty Re: Worst-ever Repro SS smock or something postwar??

    Post by Sanglier Sat Jan 13, 2024 4:56 pm

    It's thanks to that smock that I was able to reconstruct the full Texunion drawing, and verify that the so-called "sparse" variant is based on the exact same drawing as the dense variant, but with some of the colors switched.

    As is evident in my collage below, the basic drawing is a large parallelogram, a rather recognizable "Germanic" characteristic that helped to make WW II German patterns so effective, further suggesting that the Texunion designers took inspiration from German prior art when they created this pattern.

    Worst-ever Repro SS smock or something postwar?? KtxhN0t

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    Name : Doc
    Location : Western Pennsylvania
    Registration date : 2021-10-21
    Number of posts : 41

    Worst-ever Repro SS smock or something postwar?? Empty Re: Worst-ever Repro SS smock or something postwar??

    Post by Doc_KeystoneDiv Sun Jan 14, 2024 6:19 pm

    Thanks for the response guys, I'm glad my suspicion it wasn't just a bad repro turned out to be correct.

    Name : Doc
    Location : Western Pennsylvania
    Registration date : 2021-10-21
    Number of posts : 41

    Worst-ever Repro SS smock or something postwar?? Empty Re: Worst-ever Repro SS smock or something postwar??

    Post by Doc_KeystoneDiv Mon Jan 15, 2024 10:11 am

    Well, I went to purchase it and it was bought out from under me. Perhaps I should have been a little more discreet about it being listed on ebay. Little disappointing, but lesson learned.

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    Worst-ever Repro SS smock or something postwar?? Empty Re: Worst-ever Repro SS smock or something postwar??

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