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    Moving up from induction: USN dress jumper rank in WW2


    Name : Fins...
    Age : 55
    Location : Ohio
    Registration date : 2009-03-24
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    Moving up from induction: USN dress jumper rank in WW2 Empty Moving up from induction: USN dress jumper rank in WW2

    Post by 1stDivVet Fri Jan 15, 2010 7:51 pm

    Here's a few examples of WW2 era dress jumpers showing the enlisted rank of WW2.

    Apprentice Seaman: You earned this early in basic. Rank was a single white stripe on the cuff.
    Moving up from induction: USN dress jumper rank in WW2 Srjmpr

    Seaman 2nd Class: Most recruits had this rate upon graduation of basic and A school. It consisted of 2 white stripes on the cuff.
    Moving up from induction: USN dress jumper rank in WW2 SAjmpr

    Seaman 1st Class: Some sailors had earned this by completion of A school. It was the last rate before Petty Officer. It consisted of 3 white stripes on the cuff.
    Moving up from induction: USN dress jumper rank in WW2 S1cjmpr

    Petty officer 3rd Class: 1st of the NCO class. Consists of a Crow, rating, and a single red chevron. They are refured to as a Petty Officer except for the 3rd Class Boatswain's Mate which is traditionally called a Coxswain.

    3rd Class Aviation Radioman/Arial Gunner
    Moving up from induction: USN dress jumper rank in WW2 AVNblue

    Moving up from induction: USN dress jumper rank in WW2 AmphibEuro

    Petty Officer 2nd Class: 2nd of the NCO class. Consists of a Crow, rating, and a two red chevrons. They are also refured to as a Petty Officer.

    2nd Class Sonarman
    Moving up from induction: USN dress jumper rank in WW2 Sonarcoat

    Petty Officer 1st Class: 3rd of the NCO class. Consists of a Crow, rating, and a three red chevrons. They are also refured to as a Petty Officer.

    1st Class Constructionman
    Moving up from induction: USN dress jumper rank in WW2 CB

    The last enlisted rate was Chief Petty Officer. Called "Chief". They wore the officer type uniforms with Chief's rate. I'll do them in another thread.
    The stripes often seen on the shoulders, red and white, signified either 'Deck' branch or 'Fireman' branch. The first 3 ranks are different for firemen. IIRC, it goes 3rd Class, 2nd Class, Fireman. These were guys who worked in the engine room,and some of the engineering and machine shops. Deck rates were gunners, boatswains, signalmen, topside types.

    Deck rated
    Moving up from induction: USN dress jumper rank in WW2 PICT0002

    Fireman rated
    Moving up from induction: USN dress jumper rank in WW2 F2cjmpr

    Hope you all enjoyed this and find it usefull.


    If i'm the stupid one, why do they have a book with pictures of the militaria and I have the real things??

    Name : Jeremy
    Location : Massachusetts
    Registration date : 2009-03-02
    Number of posts : 1419

    Moving up from induction: USN dress jumper rank in WW2 Empty Re: Moving up from induction: USN dress jumper rank in WW2

    Post by Mercenary25 Fri Jan 15, 2010 7:53 pm

    Wow, room behind jumpers caught my attention. You have TONS of stuff!

    Best quote of generation by Mr.B:: dude #$%^&* ww2 navy LMAO.

    Moving up from induction: USN dress jumper rank in WW2 Oifbanner


    Name : Andrew
    Age : 29
    Location : Mocksville, NC
    Registration date : 2009-02-17
    Number of posts : 930

    Moving up from induction: USN dress jumper rank in WW2 Empty Re: Moving up from induction: USN dress jumper rank in WW2

    Post by AndrewA74 Fri Jan 15, 2010 8:26 pm

    Nice Aerial Jumper! It reminds me of what my Grandfather would have worn.

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