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17 posters

    Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV)


    Name : Kazimir
    Age : 35
    Location : Malibu, CA
    Registration date : 2009-02-17
    Number of posts : 68

    Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV) Empty Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV)

    Post by Soviet_Kazimir Sat Oct 23, 2010 7:11 am

    Hello as a topic of interest I thought I would write about one of my favorite forces the KGB Border guards.
    My interest lies directly within the transitional period from the older style uniforms to the new Spetsodezhda uniforms which occurred in the early 1980's and lasted well into the Russian Federation before being fully phased out of service. The most interesting thing about the Spetsodezhda uniform design is that it was a departure from its predecessors and set the stage for all Soviet uniforms that would follow.

    Anyway now on to the uniforms!

    1st Pattern Spetsodezhda dated 1984:

    Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV) Borderguardsummerjacket

    Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV) Borderguardsummerpants

    2nd pattern Spetsodezhda Dated 1988:

    Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV) CIMG0615

    2nd pattern Spetsodezhda winter weight left dated 1991 right dated 1988:

    Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV) CIMG0761

    Still unidentified Spetsodezhda oversuit no tags no markings but the quality points to it being of soviet origin not some made up thing as suggested in Dennis Desmond's book:

    Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV) CIMG0724

    Now on to headgear:

    Spetsodezhda Panamas right is 2nd pattern dated 1991 right is first pattern (only pins up on one side) and dated 1986:

    Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV) CIMG0734

    Spetsodezda Beret dated 1984:

    Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV) CIMG0727

    Spetsodezda visor caps both dated 1984 right field used left in mint condition:

    Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV) CIMG0729

    Spetsodezda kepis (I have a few) various dates 80's to early 90's:

    Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV) CIMG0618

    Last but not least Soviet border guard visor caps 1980's dated:

    Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV) CIMG0198

    Reference pictures:

    Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV) 108640558

    Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV) Image:Shrubbery

    Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV) 883b7de36882

    Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV) 964566618

    Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV) Wmnormalimg0001

    Location : Oz
    Registration date : 2009-02-16
    Number of posts : 1088

    Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV) Empty Re: Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV)

    Post by filupe Sat Oct 23, 2010 11:47 am

    Nice collection of stuff - I have a small collection of KGB stuff as well but not as extensive as yours. Been after the first pattern Spetsodezhda for ages and have come close but never could quite close the deal. Have also seen the first pattern winterweight on EBay 2 years ago but outbid by a French collector.

    Name : Kazimir
    Age : 35
    Location : Malibu, CA
    Registration date : 2009-02-17
    Number of posts : 68

    Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV) Empty Re: Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV)

    Post by Soviet_Kazimir Sat Oct 23, 2010 12:16 pm

    1st pattern uniforms are like the holy grail of this hobby. Some people have only heard "whispers and legends". Ebay is usually the worst place IMO to find Border guard stuff the bid wars can get crazy! I saw a set of 2nd pattern winter weight go for 660 something dollars a few years ago and last year a 1st pattern went for around the same if no more.... I think it may have broke 700. affraid

    As for the 1st pattern winter jacket I know that french collector quite well. He has by far one of the most vast collections of soviet items and has many more border guard uniforms then me. He is a fantastic fellow and has helped me along the way with everything, such as uniform identification of my 1st pattern as the European border version. Good luck on eventually scoring a 1st pattern winter uniform!

    Name : Ben
    Location : Lefthand side of the Atlantic
    Registration date : 2009-07-22
    Number of posts : 2705

    Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV) Empty Re: Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV)

    Post by Camo_fiend Sat Oct 23, 2010 1:15 pm

    Soviet_Kazimir wrote:Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV) 108640558
    Do you know the timeframe in which this photo was taken? I noticed the soldier still carries an AK47 variant as opposed to a 74, that is why I am asking.

    Interested in any European digital camo.

    See my collection online: http://benscamo.webs.com/

    Name : Kazimir
    Age : 35
    Location : Malibu, CA
    Registration date : 2009-02-17
    Number of posts : 68

    Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV) Empty Re: Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV)

    Post by Soviet_Kazimir Sat Oct 23, 2010 9:55 pm

    That's not a AK-47 it's an AKM. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AKM

    As for the time period it's dated to about the 1980's.

    Name : Kazimir
    Age : 35
    Location : Malibu, CA
    Registration date : 2009-02-17
    Number of posts : 68

    Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV) Empty Re: Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV)

    Post by Soviet_Kazimir Sat Oct 23, 2010 10:39 pm

    filupe wrote:Nice collection of stuff - I have a small collection of KGB stuff as well but not as extensive as yours. Been after the first pattern Spetsodezhda for ages and have come close but never could quite close the deal. Have also seen the first pattern winterweight on EBay 2 years ago but outbid by a French collector.

    If you don't mind me asking how much did that set end up going for?

    Name : Ben
    Location : Lefthand side of the Atlantic
    Registration date : 2009-07-22
    Number of posts : 2705

    Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV) Empty Re: Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV)

    Post by Camo_fiend Sat Oct 23, 2010 11:11 pm

    Soviet_Kazimir wrote:That's not a AK-47 it's an AKM. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AKM

    As for the time period it's dated to about the 1980's.
    It is an AKM, isn't it? I overlooked the ribbed upper receiver. Laughing
    Thanks for the info.

    Interested in any European digital camo.

    See my collection online: http://benscamo.webs.com/

    Location : New England, US
    Registration date : 2009-03-08
    Number of posts : 6990

    Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV) Empty Re: Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV)

    Post by CollectinSteve Sun Oct 24, 2010 12:59 am

    Beautiful collection! I bid on a 1st Model set a year or two ago and got my butt handed to me. I also saw a 2nd Model winter set sell for huge money. IIRC somewhere around $500.


    Name : Kazimir
    Age : 35
    Location : Malibu, CA
    Registration date : 2009-02-17
    Number of posts : 68

    Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV) Empty Re: Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV)

    Post by Soviet_Kazimir Sun Oct 24, 2010 9:39 pm

    CollectinSteve wrote:Beautiful collection! I bid on a 1st Model set a year or two ago and got my butt handed to me. I also saw a 2nd Model winter set sell for huge money. IIRC somewhere around $500.

    IMO 500 is near crazy for a second pattern winter uniform... Yes Border guard stuff is quite rare but with a little patience you can find them for 150-300. The prices people actually are willing to pay for 1st pattern now that goes beyond insane. affraid

    Location : China
    Registration date : 2010-10-03
    Number of posts : 28

    Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV) Empty Re: Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV)

    Post by fanxiaojun Sun Oct 24, 2010 10:50 pm

    [img]Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV) 20081210[/img]
    this is one of my friend collection,he is a rich man affraid I think only he found and buy this KGB Guards(PV) in China. afro Two years ago ,he like collect soviet/Russian field gear and uniform.Now he start collecting soviet General uniforms.He is a godfather of Chinese player.

    Age : 50
    Location : Russia
    Registration date : 2010-02-20
    Number of posts : 234

    Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV) Empty Re: Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV)

    Post by Sarbaz Mon Oct 25, 2010 12:27 am

    Soviet Kazimir - BRAVO! My congratulations! Smile

    Age : 50
    Location : Russia
    Registration date : 2010-02-20
    Number of posts : 234

    Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV) Empty Re: Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV)

    Post by Sarbaz Mon Oct 25, 2010 11:25 pm

    I think that here it is necessary to add else one variety
    Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV) 001da
    Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV) 002ei

    Name : Kazimir
    Age : 35
    Location : Malibu, CA
    Registration date : 2009-02-17
    Number of posts : 68

    Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV) Empty Re: Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV)

    Post by Soviet_Kazimir Tue Oct 26, 2010 12:48 am

    That is early KLMK pre 1970's, yes the Border guards did use that but my topic covers the use of Spetsodezhda exclusively.
    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

    Name : Erick
    Location : Pacific Northwest - USA
    Registration date : 2009-02-23
    Number of posts : 165

    Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV) Empty Soviet 4 Pocket Spetsodezhda Uniform

    Post by escammo Fri Oct 29, 2010 2:04 pm

    Here is a Soviet 4 Pocket Spetsodezhda Uniform.
    Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV) Soviet_4pocket_stairstep
    The uniform has the internal pistol pocket with lanyard. The pants have the divided cargo pocket on the left leg which is standard for these 4 pocket uniforms.
    Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV) Soviet_4pocket_stairstep_holster
    The manufacturer stamp shows the uniform was manufactured in 1991 in the city of Gukovo.
    Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV) Soviet_4pocket_stairstep_stamp


    Name : Kazimir
    Age : 35
    Location : Malibu, CA
    Registration date : 2009-02-17
    Number of posts : 68

    Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV) Empty Re: Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV)

    Post by Soviet_Kazimir Sat Oct 30, 2010 2:26 am

    Brilliant set! Those 4 pocket sets were used by the KGB (PV) airmobile in the 80's!

    They tucked the jacket in the pants. Very Happy

    Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV) Camobrt

    Location : New England, US
    Registration date : 2009-03-08
    Number of posts : 6990

    Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV) Empty Re: Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV)

    Post by CollectinSteve Sat Oct 30, 2010 11:43 am

    Wow! I don't think I've ever seen the 4 pocket variant. Sweet!


    Name : Ben
    Location : Lefthand side of the Atlantic
    Registration date : 2009-07-22
    Number of posts : 2705

    Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV) Empty Re: Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV)

    Post by Camo_fiend Sat Oct 30, 2010 2:08 pm

    Wow, now that this thread was posted, everyone's KGB camo is coming out of the woodwork! Laughing
    I have a set of Berezka pattern like this in the Rex Designs M7 BDU style -- commercial if I remember correctly, but a neat pattern nonetheless!

    Interested in any European digital camo.

    See my collection online: http://benscamo.webs.com/
    Sergeant Major
    Sergeant Major

    Location : Ireland
    Registration date : 2010-01-13
    Number of posts : 446

    Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV) Empty Re: Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV)

    Post by fourtycoats Sat Oct 30, 2010 4:36 pm

    My contribution:

    Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV) IMG_1778
    Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV) IMG_1777

    Name : Kazimir
    Age : 35
    Location : Malibu, CA
    Registration date : 2009-02-17
    Number of posts : 68

    Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV) Empty Re: Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV)

    Post by Soviet_Kazimir Sun Oct 31, 2010 4:48 am

    Nice set! Not unlike my own in 54-6. Although I must question the placement of the Border guard patch... I haven't seen them like that. Also is your set missing the collar tabs?
    Junior Lieutenant
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    Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV) Empty Re: Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV)

    Post by vicka1971 Sun Oct 31, 2010 11:27 am

    fourtycoats wrote:My contribution:

    Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV) IMG_1778
    Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV) IMG_1777

    Hi guys

    The patch should be on sleeve pocket,not over top Very Happy
    Sergeant Major
    Sergeant Major

    Location : Ireland
    Registration date : 2010-01-13
    Number of posts : 446

    Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV) Empty Re: Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV)

    Post by fourtycoats Sun Oct 31, 2010 11:53 am

    You are both correct about the sleeve patch but I must admit that I sewed it on and deliberately put it above the sleeve pocket because if I had put it in the right place, i.e. on the pocket, it would have closed up the pocket unless I did it by hand instead of using a sewing machine.The moral of this story is that convenience beats being correct! I have not yet found the correct collar insignia.

    Location : New England, US
    Registration date : 2009-03-08
    Number of posts : 6990

    Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV) Empty Re: Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV)

    Post by CollectinSteve Sun Oct 31, 2010 1:12 pm

    Hand stitching is the way to go for these. I've only seen a couple jackets with their badging still on them and they were hand stitched. Same with shoulder boards and collar insignia. Since I really doubt the badge was ever sewn above the pocket I would suggest moving it to where it should be. Connivence shouldn't trump correctness Smile


    Location : FRANCE
    Registration date : 2010-03-30
    Number of posts : 3444

    Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV) Empty Re: Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV)

    Post by vonstuck Sun Oct 31, 2010 2:39 pm

    I think, in the end of the USSR, that this pattern was used by all arms
    Pictures taken in Moscow during 1991

    Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV) 1991_210

    Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV) 1991_t10

    Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV) 199110

    Location : Moscow, Russia
    Registration date : 2010-10-31
    Number of posts : 8

    Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV) Empty Re: Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV)

    Post by partizankampfer Sun Oct 31, 2010 3:40 pm

    vonstuck wrote:Hello
    I think, in the end of the USSR, that this pattern was used by all arms
    Pictures taken in Moscow during 1991

    On foto is a 27th "Sevastopolskaya" Motor Rifle Brigade. In 1991 this brigade was in the KGB forces.

    Junior Lieutenant
    Junior Lieutenant

    Location : usa.TN
    Registration date : 2010-05-02
    Number of posts : 674

    Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV) Empty Re: Soviet KGB Border Guards(PV)

    Post by vicka1971 Sun Oct 31, 2010 3:47 pm

    Hey Gilles

    I disagree with you about 1991 all arms used camo. Mad I served from 1990-92 inSoviet Army. In 1991 I got my "Afghanka" field uniform,but I still used to wear XB and PShA uniforms. Camo uniforms used to wear ONLY airborne,specnaz,naval infantry, border guard units. Best regards, Vitalis Very Happy

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