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6 posters

    Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2


    Name : Fins...
    Age : 55
    Location : Ohio
    Registration date : 2009-03-24
    Number of posts : 2561

    Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 Empty Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2

    Post by 1stDivVet Fri Nov 19, 2010 1:01 am

    My Uncle Russel, Pfc. John. R. Finster, was in Company A, of the 801st Tank Destryoer Bn in WW2. He was one of my hero's as a kid. I spent a lot of time on his farm growing up. Here's some things my cousin found going thru the estate.

    Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 Scan0001

    Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 Scan0003-1

    Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 Scan0020

    Last edited by 1stDivVet on Thu Aug 01, 2019 2:59 am; edited 1 time in total

    If i'm the stupid one, why do they have a book with pictures of the militaria and I have the real things??

    Name : Fins...
    Age : 55
    Location : Ohio
    Registration date : 2009-03-24
    Number of posts : 2561

    Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 Empty Re: Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2

    Post by 1stDivVet Fri Nov 19, 2010 1:02 am


    Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 Scan0018Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 Scan0016Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 Scan0009Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 Scan0007Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 Scan0002

    If i'm the stupid one, why do they have a book with pictures of the militaria and I have the real things??

    Name : Fins...
    Age : 55
    Location : Ohio
    Registration date : 2009-03-24
    Number of posts : 2561

    Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 Empty Re: Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2

    Post by 1stDivVet Fri Nov 19, 2010 1:04 am


    Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 Scan0011Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 801-1stThings from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 Scan0005Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 Scan0004Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 Scan0003Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 CoA801stThings from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 Scan0008

    If i'm the stupid one, why do they have a book with pictures of the militaria and I have the real things??
    Senior Sergeant
    Senior Sergeant

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    Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 Empty Re: Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2

    Post by HoovieDude Fri Nov 19, 2010 1:47 am

    BEAUTIFUL finds!!! I'm envious, I have close to zip on my relatives.

    Name : Ben
    Location : Lefthand side of the Atlantic
    Registration date : 2009-07-22
    Number of posts : 2705

    Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 Empty Re: Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2

    Post by Camo_fiend Fri Nov 19, 2010 2:16 am

    Very cool stuff! Thanks for sharing these... it's always neat to see information on family members who were in service.

    Interested in any European digital camo.

    See my collection online: http://benscamo.webs.com/
    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

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    Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 Empty Re: Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2

    Post by 2ndAIF Fri Nov 19, 2010 3:28 am

    Awesome pics Fins, I especially love the one of him riding on the barrel holding the binos, I can imagine these are amongst your most prized possesions now

    Name : Fins...
    Age : 55
    Location : Ohio
    Registration date : 2009-03-24
    Number of posts : 2561

    Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 Empty Re: Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2

    Post by 1stDivVet Fri Nov 19, 2010 7:40 am

    Thanks guys!!! I was lucky to get them. I have pretty much zip from my family. I was lucky and found my great-cousin's uniform and medals from WW1 online.. All the WW2 stuff from 4 uncles seems to have gotten pitched. I have a lot of pics from another uncle's time in the navy some of his former shipmates sent me. Otherwise, this is it!!DEFINATELY my new favorites!! cheers


    If i'm the stupid one, why do they have a book with pictures of the militaria and I have the real things??
    Easy Gee
    Easy Gee

    Name : Gary
    Age : 55
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    Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 Empty Re: Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2

    Post by Easy Gee Fri Nov 19, 2010 5:08 pm

    Fantastic to have these in your possession now, I find it a humbling experience to look at such things.....when you think of the hell these guy's went through in WW2!!!!!

    Thanks for sharing your families exploits...very cool Wink

    Name : Fins...
    Age : 55
    Location : Ohio
    Registration date : 2009-03-24
    Number of posts : 2561

    Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 Empty Re: Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2

    Post by 1stDivVet Thu Aug 01, 2019 2:15 am

    Found more of my uncle's stuff. Some medals and insignia, fieldgear and his uniform.

    Insignia and medals
    Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 19700231

    Enlisted Tank Destroyer collar disk.
    Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 19700230

    801st Tank Destroyer Battalion Unit Crest(Reproduction)
    Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 19700233

    Tank Destroyer patches. 1 is an 8 wheel variation.
    Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 19700232

    If i'm the stupid one, why do they have a book with pictures of the militaria and I have the real things??

    Name : Fins...
    Age : 55
    Location : Ohio
    Registration date : 2009-03-24
    Number of posts : 2561

    Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 Empty Re: Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2

    Post by 1stDivVet Thu Aug 01, 2019 2:26 am

    Uncle Russel's Purple Heart box.
    Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 19700236

    The full size Purple Heart with ribbon and the mini-medal.
    Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 19700234

    Reverse of Purple Hearts. They are not named, engraved, or numbered.
    Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 19700235

    Good Conduct Medal on card with pin on ribbon and sew on ribbons and lapel button, WW2 Victory ribbon and American Campaign ribbon.
    Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 19700237

    If i'm the stupid one, why do they have a book with pictures of the militaria and I have the real things??

    Name : Fins...
    Age : 55
    Location : Ohio
    Registration date : 2009-03-24
    Number of posts : 2561

    Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 Empty Re: Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2

    Post by 1stDivVet Thu Aug 01, 2019 2:42 am

    "Wife" Pillow Cover
    Pillow reads, "My Dear Wife, From memories garden I recall the sweetheart days we knew with lovely flowers, singing birds, and skies of azure blue.
    Dear Wife of mine, how sweet the words, a hoped for dream come true. My heart is happy when I think of home sweet home and you."

    Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 19700238
    Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 19700239

    If i'm the stupid one, why do they have a book with pictures of the militaria and I have the real things??

    Name : Fins...
    Age : 55
    Location : Ohio
    Registration date : 2009-03-24
    Number of posts : 2561

    Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 Empty Re: Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2

    Post by 1stDivVet Thu Aug 01, 2019 2:51 am

    Sweetheart Kit in original box from Ft. Hood
    It contains a padded pillow with a pocket for stockings/lingerie, etc.

    Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 19700240
    Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 19700241
    Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 19700243
    Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 19700242

    If i'm the stupid one, why do they have a book with pictures of the militaria and I have the real things??

    Name : Fins...
    Age : 55
    Location : Ohio
    Registration date : 2009-03-24
    Number of posts : 2561

    Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 Empty Re: Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2

    Post by 1stDivVet Thu Aug 01, 2019 2:57 am

    Grenade Launcher Sight pouch and Small Arms Parts Pouch my uncle carried. His last name is printed on the small arms pouch.

    Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 19700244
    Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 19700245

    If i'm the stupid one, why do they have a book with pictures of the militaria and I have the real things??

    Name : Fins...
    Age : 55
    Location : Ohio
    Registration date : 2009-03-24
    Number of posts : 2561

    Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 Empty Re: Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2

    Post by 1stDivVet Thu Aug 01, 2019 3:04 am

    Complete canteen with cup and cover.
    Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 19700247
    Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 19700246

    If i'm the stupid one, why do they have a book with pictures of the militaria and I have the real things??

    Name : Fins...
    Age : 55
    Location : Ohio
    Registration date : 2009-03-24
    Number of posts : 2561

    Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 Empty Re: Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2

    Post by 1stDivVet Thu Aug 01, 2019 3:13 am

    Canteen case is made by J.A. SHOE dated 1943
    Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 19700249

    Cup is aluminum and made by M.A. Co and dated 1941
    Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 19700250

    Canteen is stainless and made by S.M. CO. 1943
    Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 19700248

    If i'm the stupid one, why do they have a book with pictures of the militaria and I have the real things??

    Name : Fins...
    Age : 55
    Location : Ohio
    Registration date : 2009-03-24
    Number of posts : 2561

    Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 Empty Re: Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2

    Post by 1stDivVet Thu Aug 01, 2019 3:25 am

    Overseas cap with Tank Destroyer piping
    Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 19700253

    Wool shirt with patches
    Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 19700251

    4 wheel TD patch and silver and blue Pfc rank.
    Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 19700252

    If i'm the stupid one, why do they have a book with pictures of the militaria and I have the real things??

    Name : Fins...
    Age : 55
    Location : Ohio
    Registration date : 2009-03-24
    Number of posts : 2561

    Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 Empty Re: Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2

    Post by 1stDivVet Thu Aug 01, 2019 3:34 am

    Uncle Russel's dress jacket
    Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 19700257
    Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 19700258
    Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 19700259
    Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 19700260
    Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 19700261

    If i'm the stupid one, why do they have a book with pictures of the militaria and I have the real things??

    Name : Martin
    Location : Perth, Western Australia
    Registration date : 2009-06-25
    Number of posts : 944

    Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 Empty Re: Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2

    Post by Martin Thu Aug 01, 2019 8:53 am

    This is really cool stuff to find.

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    Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2 Empty Re: Things from my Uncle Russel's time in the 801st Tank Destroyer Bn. in WW2

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