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    Vietnam War Paratrooper Boots?

    Officer Candidate
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    Vietnam War Paratrooper Boots? Empty Vietnam War Paratrooper Boots?

    Post by DS9ACU Tue Jul 03, 2012 8:31 am

    I got these years ago when I was on vacation in in New Mexico or Arizona. I was in the market for some new boots and I found these. The seller said that they were a private purchase that were converted with the side zippers or something like that, I really can't remember. Anyway they've gotten to small for me and have been sitting in my closet for a few years now and I still really don't know if the story is true. Anyone familiar with them?

    Vietnam War Paratrooper Boots? Img_8416
    Vietnam War Paratrooper Boots? Img_8417
    Vietnam War Paratrooper Boots? Img_8418
    Vietnam War Paratrooper Boots? Img_8419
    Vietnam War Paratrooper Boots? Img_8420
    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

    Age : 88
    Location : Colorado
    Registration date : 2010-07-31
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    Vietnam War Paratrooper Boots? Empty Re: Vietnam War Paratrooper Boots?

    Post by Sarge Tue Jul 03, 2012 9:54 am

    Yep they are PX purchase boots that have had a zipper added. They could just as well be some legs boots as to be Airborne. No way to tell for sure.

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