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    82nd Airborne Modified DCU- One of my favorites


    Name : Arch
    Location : Kentucky, USA
    Registration date : 2009-02-13
    Number of posts : 3323

    82nd Airborne Modified DCU- One of my favorites Empty 82nd Airborne Modified DCU- One of my favorites

    Post by nkomo Fri Apr 24, 2009 6:49 pm

    This is a set that was combat worn by a soldier in the 82nd Ariborne in OEF or OIF. After our operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, regular soldiers (non-SF) began to modify their DCU's. As you can see from the stitching, this set was probably modified by the soldier himself in-country. If you look at the uniform for a moment, you can see that it truly has been through Hell. I have the pants that came with this jacket and they are named and also have blood type written on the pant legs. This uniform holds a special place of honor in my house.

    82nd Airborne Modified DCU- One of my favorites Post-553
    82nd Airborne Modified DCU- One of my favorites Post-554
    82nd Airborne Modified DCU- One of my favorites Post-555

    Always looking for Central American militaria 1965 to 1991.  Especially items relating to Coronel Velasquez El Salvador Armed Forces

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