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2 posters

    "Airborne Ambulance" Bergen


    Location : State of Denial
    Registration date : 2012-01-03
    Number of posts : 34

    "Airborne Ambulance" Bergen Empty "Airborne Ambulance" Bergen

    Post by Longshaor Thu May 09, 2013 8:15 pm

    I don't have any photos to post at the moment, however I picked one of these up for my wife a few months ago (she's a former USAF flight medic and volunteer EMT). Does anyone have a listing of what the standard load out was for one of these? It's more a curiosity question as my wife is loading hers out as she sees fit, but I'm kind of curious as to what would have been carried where in service.

    Thanks in advance!

    Location : State of Denial
    Registration date : 2012-01-03
    Number of posts : 34

    "Airborne Ambulance" Bergen Empty Re: "Airborne Ambulance" Bergen

    Post by Longshaor Wed May 29, 2013 4:12 am

    OK, sorry for the delay, here are the pics...

    "Airborne Ambulance" Bergen DSC06608

    "Airborne Ambulance" Bergen DSC06607

    "Airborne Ambulance" Bergen DSC06605

    "Airborne Ambulance" Bergen DSC06604

    "Airborne Ambulance" Bergen DSC06603

    "Airborne Ambulance" Bergen DSC06602

    So, does anyone know the correct load out for one of these?

    James K
    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

    Location : Ringwood UK
    Registration date : 2015-09-19
    Number of posts : 155

    "Airborne Ambulance" Bergen Empty Re: "Airborne Ambulance" Bergen

    Post by James K Tue Sep 29, 2015 6:56 pm

    I was a medic and these were usually only issued as part of the Battlefield Ambulance equipment to set up an RAP. The Bergen is a bit deceptive as the load carry is only for convenience and not really for use in the field as such. There would normally be a few one for major trauma and circulatory injuries, another for airway and breathing difficulties/injuries, one for burns and other injuries and one more for minor treatments.

    They hang on the walls of the RAP tent.

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    "Airborne Ambulance" Bergen Empty Re: "Airborne Ambulance" Bergen

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