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    Vietnam War US Navy Middies USS New Orleans

    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

    Location : United States
    Registration date : 2014-02-03
    Number of posts : 87

    Vietnam War US Navy Middies USS New Orleans Empty Vietnam War US Navy Middies USS New Orleans

    Post by KommandoPost Mon May 05, 2014 2:34 am

    I found this set of middies today at a swap meet. It came with the top, pants, and silk scarf. There appears to be Japanese characters on a tiny blue cleaner's tag attached to both items.

    Top: (1965)

    Vietnam War US Navy Middies USS New Orleans Middie10

    Vietnam War US Navy Middies USS New Orleans Back11

    Vietnam War US Navy Middies USS New Orleans Toptag10

    Vietnam War US Navy Middies USS New Orleans Uss-ne104

    Pants: (1962)

    Vietnam War US Navy Middies USS New Orleans Pantsf10

    Vietnam War US Navy Middies USS New Orleans Pantsb10

    Vietnam War US Navy Middies USS New Orleans Pantst10

    Cleaner's Tag:
    Vietnam War US Navy Middies USS New Orleans Drycle10
    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

    Location : United States
    Registration date : 2014-02-03
    Number of posts : 87

    Vietnam War US Navy Middies USS New Orleans Empty Re: Vietnam War US Navy Middies USS New Orleans

    Post by KommandoPost Sun May 18, 2014 3:12 pm

    I got the hat that goes with the set yesterday. It is dated 1962.

    Vietnam War US Navy Middies USS New Orleans Hat10

    Here's the whole set:

    Vietnam War US Navy Middies USS New Orleans Groupi10

      Current date/time is Mon Dec 09, 2024 8:08 am