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10 posters

    My ROK Stuff

    Senior Sergeant
    Senior Sergeant

    Name : Nate
    Location : USA
    Registration date : 2013-10-16
    Number of posts : 351

    My ROK Stuff Empty My ROK Stuff

    Post by TennoHeikaNate Tue Apr 18, 2017 6:13 am

    I've acquired a few ROK uniform items over the years, some are sadly incomplete but I'm slowly trying to acquire shirts and trousers and hopefully caps to complete them.

    First off is a unique Navy "leaf" based pattern. I believe this particular model was a commercial/private purchase. It is badged to Petty Officer 2nd Class Lee of the ROK Navy Reserve.

    My ROK Stuff Rok_na10

    Next up is some woodland, a standard "ball" style cap with a reserve patch on it and a normal pair of BDU trousers, dated 1995.

    My ROK Stuff Rok_ar11
    My ROK Stuff Rok_ar10

    Here is an M43 style field jacket with a ROKMC emblem, from the Vietnam era.

    My ROK Stuff Rokmc_10

    Next is actually an unknown, this is a "noodle" camouflage shirt that the seller told me was an export model, but was unsure to which country.
    Many South Korean items were exported to many countries so it is difficult to ID them, especially this as it does not have any tags or stamps, or remnants of any having been on.

    My ROK Stuff Rok_no10

    Another noodle shirt, dated 1979 and badged to a Special Forces Sgt. Yang, airborne qualification as well.

    My ROK Stuff Rok_no11

    Next, a fairly rare ROKMC pattern called "puzzle" or sometimes "jigsaw" or "leopard". It was allegedly introduced in the mid-70's and quickly replaced by 1980 by the "turtle shell" pattern.
    This one is dated 1976 and sadly had the insignia removed.

    My ROK Stuff Rokmc_11

    Here we have a "turtle shell" M65, which replaced the previous puzzle camo. I've noticed ROK veterans, particularly Marines, often embellish and embroider their old uniforms and wear them often.
    I've had difficulty finding "issue" turtle shell, as most I find are often embellished and do not have the issue nomenclature tags.
    I don't know if there are commercial reproductions that are sold and are purchased by veterans who then take them to tailors or what.
    I do know the red name tags are actually issue, and the Recon patch is also issue, but the rest is "iffy" to me.

    My ROK Stuff Rokmc_12

    A desert shirt in the ROK's own desert pattern for those deployed to Afghanistan. This one is named to Cpl. Moon.
    I've also seen ROK SWC use a digital version of this, of which I've only seen one uniform for sale before, and it sold for a lot.

    My ROK Stuff Rok_ar12

    Here is a shirt in the current issue Army, Navy, and Air Force pattern introduced in 2010 called "Granite B".
    This one is badged to Artilleryman Cpl. Lee of the ROKA 5th Corps. Dated 2012.
    If anyone has any knowledge of other trial patterns like a Granite A or Granite C, I'd love to see it.

    My ROK Stuff Rok_ar13

    The ROKMC in 2010 adopted a digital tiger stripe pattern. From what I've heard from Korean friends it is nicknamed "Waves" or "WAVEPAT"
    This one is also dated 2012 and is named to PFC Song.
    The pattern also strangely has two occurrences of the ROKMC EGA hidden in the pattern, a small one in the tanish color and a larger one in black, which you might be able to see

    My ROK Stuff Rokmc_13
    My ROK Stuff Rok4210

    Prior to the regular armed forces getting digital, the ROK Special Warfare Command (SWC) adopted this greenish MARPAT look-alike in 2006.
    These trousers are dated 2009. I got these from a Thai seller who had a small lot of them back around 2010, and they all had red paint on them along with the matching jackets he had.
    Whether this was a way of demilling them, I don't know, because all ones I see today do not have the red paint marks.

    My ROK Stuff Rok_so10

    This was the most curious ROK piece I've found besides the possible export shirt.
    It is an MA-1 style reversible jacket in noodle and dark blue. I've seen these before, all with the ROK Armor patch on them.
    From what I've heard noodle was only issued to special forces, which leads me to believe that these were for maybe recon armor units?
    I have also seen matching noodle tanker coveralls with armor insignia but sadly I didn't manage to grab any and them seem to have dried up pretty hard.

    My ROK Stuff Rok_no12
    My ROK Stuff Rok_bl10

    I wasn't sure if I'd put these in the US section or here, but I might as well both.
    Here are some South Korean made jungle boots in noodle camo, from what I've gathered they were possibly for some of the USSF advisers stationed in Korea in the 70's.
    They were brand new, unissued in wax paper when I got them. I will post all the photos I have of US advisers wearing US badged noodle uniforms as well.
    However, I've yet to find any photos of either ROK or US special forces wearing these.

    My ROK Stuff Us_spe10

    I've got more items to acquire soon, until then, enjoy!
    Any feedback/corrections/comments are greatly welcome as well, please let me know if I messed up any info.

    And of course, reference photos!
    I will try to order them by pattern/uniform/era but some may be random, I apologize beforehand for this.

    My ROK Stuff 14645610
    My ROK Stuff 14684610
    My ROK Stuff 14684611
    My ROK Stuff 14923110
    My ROK Stuff 14923111
    My ROK Stuff 20110110
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    My ROK Stuff Corae-11
    My ROK Stuff Corae-10
    My ROK Stuff Coree-10
    My ROK Stuff Vietna10
    My ROK Stuff Rokspf10

    This was the only photo of the puzzle pattern I was able to find of it in use.
    Hard to find even in photos it would seem.
    My ROK Stuff 14923112

    My ROK Stuff 3_3_2710
    My ROK Stuff 92d24010
    My ROK Stuff 18322b10
    My ROK Stuff 58947810
    My ROK Stuff 51611910
    My ROK Stuff 18789110
    My ROK Stuff 51897910
    My ROK Stuff 16879810
    My ROK Stuff 48641910
    My ROK Stuff 17486710
    My ROK Stuff 18678911
    My ROK Stuff 18949810
    My ROK Stuff 14869410
    My ROK Stuff 16847810
    My ROK Stuff 18678910
    My ROK Stuff 51891910
    My ROK Stuff 16798110
    My ROK Stuff 18674910
    My ROK Stuff 20111210
    My ROK Stuff 15814910
    My ROK Stuff 18947910
    My ROK Stuff 61481910
    My ROK Stuff Rok_ma11
    My ROK Stuff Rok_ma12
    My ROK Stuff Rok_ma10
    My ROK Stuff Rok_ma13
    My ROK Stuff Rokmc_14
    My ROK Stuff Rokmc110
    My ROK Stuff Rokmc210
    My ROK Stuff Southk10
    My ROK Stuff 00000710
    My ROK Stuff 2009_110
    My ROK Stuff 14658910
    My ROK Stuff 14923114
    My ROK Stuff 14923115
    My ROK Stuff 14923113
    My ROK Stuff 14923810
    My ROK Stuff South-10
    My ROK Stuff 14806310
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    My ROK Stuff 14923117
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    My ROK Stuff 14923812
    My ROK Stuff Rok_sf10
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    My ROK Stuff Republ10
    My ROK Stuff 14140410
    My ROK Stuff 2010_110
    My ROK Stuff 2014_310
    My ROK Stuff 14923120
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    My ROK Stuff 14923119
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    My ROK Stuff 14923815
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    My ROK Stuff 14923816


    My ROK Stuff Usspec10
    My ROK Stuff Us_spe11
    My ROK Stuff Sfadvi10
    My ROK Stuff Rok-us11
    My ROK Stuff Rok-us10

    And the only photo of the noodle tanker jacket being worn I could find:
    My ROK Stuff 14670710

    Sergeant Major
    Sergeant Major

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    My ROK Stuff Empty Re: My ROK Stuff

    Post by tlundberg1 Tue Apr 18, 2017 9:45 pm

    Great posting! I like how you included both items from your collection and many excellent in-use photos.

    Location : USA
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    My ROK Stuff Empty Re: My ROK Stuff

    Post by ripcord Tue Apr 18, 2017 11:36 pm

    Great subject.

    Nice how you showed the evolution of ROK uniforms.


    Location : Seoul
    Registration date : 2012-06-03
    Number of posts : 37

    My ROK Stuff Empty Re: My ROK Stuff

    Post by jason11 Wed Apr 19, 2017 1:07 am

    Actually Kookmin University Military clothing research lab made
    (ROK DOD commissioned a study into Developing New camouflage patterns to this lab)
    6 patterns for "New camouflage pattern development project" (I'll post each 6 patterns later)
    but only 3 patterns were field tested and here are photos during field test (2008~2009).

    Pinetree pattern.

    My ROK Stuff 20090810

    "The initial" Granite Pattern(referred to as Granite A)

    My ROK Stuff 20090811

    Rock Texture Pattern.
    My ROK Stuff 20090812

    After field test ,
    They decided to choose Granite pattern(The most loved pattern among soldiers) but Color hue is too bright to Autumn season and Urban areas.(especially Army soldiers claimed about this) So they developed another varient- 'Granite B' (Yes. it's current camouflage) and adopted as "New camouflage Pattern"
    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

    Location : canada
    Registration date : 2015-06-21
    Number of posts : 134

    My ROK Stuff Empty Re: My ROK Stuff

    Post by CaptainForrest Wed Apr 19, 2017 5:24 am

    looking at all the pictures i dont see the south korean digital desert camo that i see on camopedia?
    Senior Sergeant
    Senior Sergeant

    Name : Nate
    Location : USA
    Registration date : 2013-10-16
    Number of posts : 351

    My ROK Stuff Empty Re: My ROK Stuff

    Post by TennoHeikaNate Wed Apr 19, 2017 7:41 am

    Thanks guys, and thank you Jason for those photos, I've never seen the trial patterns before.
    And Forrest I had difficulty finding any of them being worn that weren't from that TV show, but there was another thread somewhere on the South Korea board that had a few photos if you can find it.
    I've only seen one set of it for sale before, and it went for almost a couple hundred if I recall.
    Neat looking stuff though, but my soft spot is for chocolate chip!

    My ROK Stuff Rok1010
    Junior Sergeant
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    Number of posts : 134

    My ROK Stuff Empty Re: My ROK Stuff

    Post by CaptainForrest Wed Apr 19, 2017 6:28 pm

    i see so its more of a tv show camo lol. this is what camopedia shows i dont know if thats part of the show or not?

    My ROK Stuff Rokdig10

    i have 1 rok granite b camo but fits like an xtra large so kinda big on me still looking for there marpat in my size seen there rain jackets and vests before
    Junior Sergeant
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    My ROK Stuff Empty Re: My ROK Stuff

    Post by CaptainForrest Fri Apr 21, 2017 5:23 pm

    heres a link to a desert one on a bid small sized


    Location : Seoul
    Registration date : 2012-06-03
    Number of posts : 37

    My ROK Stuff Empty Re: My ROK Stuff

    Post by jason11 Fri Apr 21, 2017 9:56 pm

    It's chinese made fake
    ROK Desert digital camo is really popular among  chinese people
    due to famous korean TV show "descendants of the sun" aired 2016.
    that show was very popular in china.
    and most people want to dress up like  fictional character  Capt. "YOO SI JIN"
    so they made some fake uniforms for costume.

    My ROK Stuff Tb2b1o10
    My ROK Stuff Tb2wjy10

    They really love this uniform!  Very Happy  Very Happy  Very Happy

    TV show still cut
    My ROK Stuff Jnsy5610

    Now Fake uniform photo (which is 100% pattern listed on ebay )

    My ROK Stuff Tb2b2l10
    My ROK Stuff Tb2cmp10
    My ROK Stuff Tb2qzj10
    My ROK Stuff Tb2ypj10

    See his name tab -"YOO SI JIN"

    Left TV show camo(Fabric is genuine but still TV show prop) , Right Chinese made Fake.


    CaptainForrest wrote:heres a link to a desert one on a bid small sized


    Name : JIM
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    My ROK Stuff Empty Re: My ROK Stuff

    Post by Camo-collector1951 Sat Apr 22, 2017 6:53 am

    That's a great reference thread. good pics of Vietnam era uniforms as well. Jim.
    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

    Location : canada
    Registration date : 2015-06-21
    Number of posts : 134

    My ROK Stuff Empty Re: My ROK Stuff

    Post by CaptainForrest Sat Apr 22, 2017 8:04 pm

    jason11 wrote:It's chinese made fake
    ROK Desert digital camo is really popular among  chinese people
    due to famous korean TV show "descendants of the sun" aired 2016.
    that show was very popular in china.
    and most people want to dress up like  fictional character  Capt. "YOO SI JIN"
    so they made some fake uniforms for costume.

    My ROK Stuff Tb2b1o10
    My ROK Stuff Tb2wjy10

    They really love this uniform!  Very Happy  Very Happy  Very Happy

    TV show still cut
    My ROK Stuff Jnsy5610

    Now Fake uniform photo (which is 100% pattern listed on ebay )

    My ROK Stuff Tb2b2l10
    My ROK Stuff Tb2cmp10
    My ROK Stuff Tb2qzj10
    My ROK Stuff Tb2ypj10

    See his name tab -"YOO SI JIN"

    Left TV show camo(Fabric is genuine but still TV show prop) , Right Chinese made Fake.


    CaptainForrest wrote:heres a link to a desert one on a bid small sized


    when buying south korean marpat or granite camo should i be worried about fakes im looking at one and the tag looks like this

    My ROK Stuff Img_7810
    Senior Sergeant
    Senior Sergeant

    Name : Nate
    Location : USA
    Registration date : 2013-10-16
    Number of posts : 351

    My ROK Stuff Empty Re: My ROK Stuff

    Post by TennoHeikaNate Sat Apr 22, 2017 8:41 pm

    I believe the ones with those tags are commercially available private purchase uniforms. There was a thread talking about them somewhere regarding the earlier patterns like the ROK desert, and the differences between the issue and commercial with stuff like velcro or button closures.

    The tags on my Granite and ROK MARPAT both have the ROKA emblem and the year of manufacture on them.
    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

    Location : canada
    Registration date : 2015-06-21
    Number of posts : 134

    My ROK Stuff Empty Re: My ROK Stuff

    Post by CaptainForrest Sat Apr 22, 2017 9:02 pm

    TennoHeikaNate wrote:I believe the ones with those tags are commercially available private purchase uniforms. There was a thread talking about them somewhere regarding the earlier patterns like the ROK desert, and the differences between the issue and commercial with stuff like velcro or button closures.

    The tags on my Granite and ROK MARPAT both have the ROKA emblem and the year of manufacture on them.

    should i go for it or pass?

    Location : Seoul
    Registration date : 2012-06-03
    Number of posts : 37

    My ROK Stuff Empty Re: My ROK Stuff

    Post by jason11 Sun Apr 23, 2017 12:17 am

    There are 2 types of uniforms you can see on ebay.

    Government issued uniforms -white label with manufacturing date and ROK DOD symbol printed.

    My ROK Stuff S-l16010

    Private purchased uniforms- just tailor's label.

    My ROK Stuff Img_7810

    in this case HL (HEELIM) label is good to go. HEELIM is one of famous tailor shops in korea.

    ROK soldiers can keep their uniforms when ETS-ing from military. -except special forces soldiers.
    and most of soldiers thow their uniform to dumpsters after discharge.
    and These 'Rags' gathered by junk shop owners. and export to rag mills in Thailand.
    That's reason why you can esily find ROK uniforms on ebay.
    ( and yes, we also have 600,000 soldiers.)

    but special force soldiers (ARMY SWC NAVY UDT etc...) can't keep their uniforms.
    Gov't issued uniforms must be turned-in when ETS-ing.
    and they spraying paint to uniform.(you can see red-sprayed ROK SWC uniforms) sold to rag mills or incinerate
    And if you lose your issued uniform - you'll have to write 5 page report to get new one.  Mad

    That's reason why Most special force soldiers using private purchased uniform.-more fit to their body and no worries.

    and you can see Private purchased unforms listed more often than Gov't issued ones.

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    My ROK Stuff Empty Re: My ROK Stuff

    Post by vonstuck Sun Apr 23, 2017 12:27 pm

    Thank you for your explain
    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

    Location : canada
    Registration date : 2015-06-21
    Number of posts : 134

    My ROK Stuff Empty Re: My ROK Stuff

    Post by CaptainForrest Tue Apr 25, 2017 6:41 pm

    well i could not win the bid on the korean marpat since someone had an auto bid on it. but if thats a chinese made fake how come i don't see a lot for sale? what is the most to spend on something like that

    Location : Seoul
    Registration date : 2012-06-03
    Number of posts : 37

    My ROK Stuff Empty Re: My ROK Stuff

    Post by jason11 Fri May 19, 2017 1:36 pm

    My ROK Stuff Tb2_2u10

    Another fake camo uniforms... You can find these fake uniforms at Flea market in Beijing or Shanghai

    just be careful guys
    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

    Location : canada
    Registration date : 2015-06-21
    Number of posts : 134

    My ROK Stuff Empty Re: My ROK Stuff

    Post by CaptainForrest Fri May 19, 2017 5:20 pm

    id still like to have one of those though if its from a movie Wink
    Senior Sergeant
    Senior Sergeant

    Name : Nate
    Location : USA
    Registration date : 2013-10-16
    Number of posts : 351

    My ROK Stuff Empty Re: My ROK Stuff

    Post by TennoHeikaNate Tue Oct 23, 2018 12:04 am

    Some minor recent grabs, a pair of trousers of very similar color and material to my field jacket, very nylon/polyester based.

    My ROK Stuff Rokmc_10

    And another turtle shell shirt, this one is lighter and mostly cotton, not sure what the embroidery above the pocket is, but I've seen it a few times before.

    My ROK Stuff Rokmc_11
    Senior Sergeant
    Senior Sergeant

    Name : Nate
    Location : USA
    Registration date : 2013-10-16
    Number of posts : 351

    My ROK Stuff Empty Re: My ROK Stuff

    Post by TennoHeikaNate Sun Dec 01, 2019 10:28 pm

    Few new things, starting with this:
    Finally found some puzzle/jigsaw trousers to go with my shirt, no date unfortunately.
    I've also heard this pattern found its way to the Middle East, does anyone know who might have used it, assuming it's true? I wouldn't be surprised since the Koreans at the time seemed more than willing to sell their equipment worldwide.

    My ROK Stuff Rokmc_13
    My ROK Stuff Rokmc_12

    A pretty well used 1969 dated duck hunter four-pocket coat. I've seen many of these with their lower pockets cut off. Am I correct in assuming these were mostly Army used, or did every branch use this style of shirt?
    My ROK Stuff Rok_du10

    A duck hunter ROKMC cover, with patch for Reserve Forces, no date.
    My ROK Stuff Rokmc_14

    Matching lightweight cotton trousers to go with my shirt.
    My ROK Stuff Rokmc_15
    My ROK Stuff Rokmc_16

    A pair of 1979 dated 20-round nylon magazine pouches, in a neat M1956/M1967 style mixture.
    My ROK Stuff Rok_ny12
    My ROK Stuff Rok_ny11
    My ROK Stuff Rok_ny10

    Some weird, highly synthetic, possibly commercial noodle trousers in a coloration I could only describe as a jungle swamp.
    My ROK Stuff Rok_no11

    A 2003 dated chocolate chip parka and a field shirt. The flag patch is not original to this shirt.
    The parka is missing the hood as most are, and the right sleeve pocket was poorly cut or ripped off.

    My ROK Stuff Rok_ar10
    My ROK Stuff Rok_ar11

    A 2006 dated desert field jacket, and trousers (with matching camo belt!)
    My ROK Stuff Rok_ar13
    My ROK Stuff Rok_ar12
    My ROK Stuff Rok_ar14

    80's woodland/leaf shirt riddled with patches, I think they are:
    SFC Heo
    1st Special Forces Brigade
    Special Forces Command
    Underwater Demolition Team
    Master Jump?
    Combat Infantry
    Reserve Forces

    My ROK Stuff Rok_ar15

    Some 2014 dated Granite B trousers and some WAVEPAT trousers, missing the tag and leg cinches cut off.
    My ROK Stuff Rok_ar16
    My ROK Stuff Rokmc_17

    A Special Forces MARPAT copy coat to go with my trousers I've had forever. Now that I'm looking at it, the new Mongolian MARPAT seems to be a similar coloration.
    I believe the insignia is:
    9th Special Forces Brigade
    Special Forces Command
    Master Jump?

    My ROK Stuff Rok_sp10

    A 2016 Granite B field jacket, named to Sgt. Chae of the 6th Corps. I love this thing, I'm currently hunting for one in my size in WAVEPAT.
    My ROK Stuff Rok_ar17

    This is what I call the Korean "Light LBV", as they tend to wear this and another LBV that is much more substantial with more pouches and an attached backpack.
    Dated 2007, they seem to make this Light LBV and the heavier LBV in woodland as well as Granite B and WAVEPAT, although these woodland ones can still be seen worn, usually on reservists, trainees, and other rear-line units.
    It also has exactly one (1) ALICE spot on the left hip that comes with this small pouch attached about 90% of the time. No idea why they did that if they just intended this pouch to be worn there.
    It has two double mag pouches, two single, three grenade pouches, four chest loops, a D-ring on the front for something, the ALICE spot and usually this small pouch on the left hip, and the interior has two velcro map/document pockets and adjustable loops for "integrating" the web belt.

    My ROK Stuff Rok_wo10
    My ROK Stuff Rok_wo12
    My ROK Stuff Rok_wo11
    My ROK Stuff Rok_wo14
    My ROK Stuff Rok_wo13

    And lastly are these KSMAT (Korean Special Mission Action Team) trousers that seem to have been around a 38" waist that were taken down to 30".
    I don't know if these are original and were repurposed by a veteran as part of the Korean Spy Veteran Association's uniform, but they have a subdued OD Korean KSMAT flag on the left pocket flap, and there is either a missing pocket or patch from the left calf.

    My ROK Stuff Rok_sp12
    My ROK Stuff Rok_sp11

    ROKMC Jigsaw/puzzle. This stuff is equally as hard to find in physical examples as it is in photographs.
    My ROK Stuff 7f3cd210
    My ROK Stuff 49e4d210
    My ROK Stuff 119ecf10
    My ROK Stuff 78389210

    A neat photo I found; noodle, duck hunter, school duck hunter, turtle shell, and US surplus ERDL all worn at the same time.
    My ROK Stuff 20110310

    Reservists in formation at a drill, with standard issue hairstyles.
    My ROK Stuff Korean10

    My ROK Stuff 20110311
    My ROK Stuff Post-210
    My ROK Stuff South_14

    My ROK Stuff 2003_110
    My ROK Stuff Chocol10
    My ROK Stuff South_15
    My ROK Stuff Sergea10
    My ROK Stuff South_16
    My ROK Stuff South_17
    Senior Sergeant
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    Name : Nate
    Location : USA
    Registration date : 2013-10-16
    Number of posts : 351

    My ROK Stuff Empty Re: My ROK Stuff

    Post by TennoHeikaNate Tue Jun 02, 2020 10:53 pm

    Haven't updated in a bit, here's some more random ROK stuff I've acquired:

    Granite-B aircrew shirt, flame resistant, dated 2016, ranked to a "Sowi" (2LT / Warrant Officer equivalent).
    My ROK Stuff Rok_ar18
    My ROK Stuff Rok_ai11
    My ROK Stuff Rok_ai10
    My ROK Stuff Rok_ai12
    My ROK Stuff Rok_gr10

    An odd green colored cap, dated 1992, ranked to a Major, purchased from a retired USMC Lt. Col. who got it in a joint conference in Taiwan back in the 90's.
    My ROK Stuff Rok_ar19
    My ROK Stuff Rok_ar21
    My ROK Stuff Rok_ar20
    My ROK Stuff Rok_ar22

    A "Tonghab" woodland shirt, patched to Sgt. Oh, a Catholic chaplain of the 76th Mobilization Reserve Division, ROK Army Reserve.
    My ROK Stuff Rok_ar24
    My ROK Stuff Rok_ar25
    My ROK Stuff Rok_ar23

    A cap to finish off my Zaytun desert set, has an odd flecktarn-like pattern on the interior netting/backing.
    My ROK Stuff Rok_de11
    My ROK Stuff Rok_de12
    My ROK Stuff Rok_de10

    A Granite-B cap to finish off my set, nothing interesting, missing the tag, has a reserve forces patch on the front.
    My ROK Stuff Rok_ar26

    An ROKMC turtle shell duffel bag, from a US Marine who had purchased it while training at the Marine Expeditionary Camp in Pohang in 1991.
    These were often customized with the Marine's unit insignia embroidered on.

    My ROK Stuff Rokmc_19
    My ROK Stuff Rokmc_18
    My ROK Stuff 99920c10

    A 1978? dated OD fatigue shirt, named to PFC Kim of the 35th Homeland Reserve Division. It also has an unknown triangular "3" patch and unreadable scriptive Hangul tape over the left pocket.
    My ROK Stuff Rok_ar27
    My ROK Stuff Rok_ar28

    And, most notably, a coat that belonged to an HID (Headquarters Intelligence Division/Detachment) veteran. Each branch of the ROK had its own secretive "intelligence" unit, who often conducted black ops in North Korea. Thousands of cross-border agents never returned to the South, as any who died on operations could not have their body claimed by the ROK government for plausible deniability.
    While the pattern and cut appear to be based on the original HID barracks/training uniform of the 80's and 90's, these veteran association patched ones you occasionally can find for sale appear to all be more recent reproductions.

    My ROK Stuff Rok_hi10
    My ROK Stuff Rok_hi11
    My ROK Stuff Federa10
    My ROK Stuff Nation10
    My ROK Stuff Six_ko10
    My ROK Stuff Rok_hi12
    My ROK Stuff Rok_hi13

    nobody_yuz1on likes this post


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    My ROK Stuff Empty Re: My ROK Stuff

    Post by nobody_yuz1on Wed Jul 08, 2020 8:52 am

    Awesome additions!
    Love the ROKMC duffle bag, first time seeing one.

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    Senior Sergeant
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    Name : Nate
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    My ROK Stuff Empty Re: My ROK Stuff

    Post by TennoHeikaNate Tue Sep 22, 2020 9:30 pm

    Thank you Željko for all your nice comments lately!
    Here's a few more finds:
    A salty turtle shell cover, with bright red under brim and ranked to a Corporal.

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    A Zaytun desert boonie hat with side snaps. Has a bit of paint on it, and the tag is undated, but otherwise nice. I lost out on a Marine cover in this pattern but managed to snag this.
    Apart from the more heavily controlled combat equipment like helmet cover and vests/pouches, aside from the Marine cover, I believe I've found most every bit of uniform item in this Zaytun desert pattern.

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    And lastly a couple of Vietnam era pouches, first is an ROK copy of the US Carrier, Grenade, 3-Pocket. No markings other than the ROK mil property mark on the top flap.

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    And the other is what I believe (due to the simplified nomenclature stamp that has a lack of manufacturer name, contract date, NSN, and other information) to be a US made-for-export M1961 buttpack with some neat Hangul graffiti inside and out.

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    Senior Sergeant
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    Name : Nate
    Location : USA
    Registration date : 2013-10-16
    Number of posts : 351

    My ROK Stuff Empty Re: My ROK Stuff

    Post by TennoHeikaNate Sat Jan 08, 2022 10:54 pm

    Some quick few additions:

    A private purchase  Granite B T-shirt.
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    Some 1981 noodle camo tanker coveralls.
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    An M76 "Corlon" helmet, appears to be a fairly recent manufacture, with some US-made parts in the suspension. Also came with a Granite B cover, to my knowledge these are still worn today in limited capacity.
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    A canvas short magazine pouch, dated 4-1977.
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    An earlier canvas marching rucksack, no legible date but I believe these were introduced in the 70's, and are heavily inspired by the WW2 Japanese Type 99 "Tako-Ashi" (Octopus Leg) rucksack.
    A neat little thing with a main compartment, smaller exterior pocket, strap for a mess kit, loop and M-1910 attachment for the E-tool, and straps all around for a shelter half, blanket, ground roll, etc.,.
    These replaced US-made M-1945 and M-1967 rucksacks, and the 1970's ROK webbing even used a copy of the M-1945 suspenders which could integrate with and double as straps for this rucksack, as illustrated on the tag.

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    A later nylon version, barely legible 80's dated.
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    A private purchase ROKN leaf M65 field jacket, badged to a Chief Petty Officer Hwang, a Navy Reservist, and a pair of issue 1990 dated trousers
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    And lastly, some 1994 summer OD fatigue HBT trousers, and some 1986 dated winter trousers, missing their liner and suspenders.
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    Senior Sergeant
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    Name : Nate
    Location : USA
    Registration date : 2013-10-16
    Number of posts : 351

    My ROK Stuff Empty Re: My ROK Stuff

    Post by TennoHeikaNate Wed Oct 19, 2022 1:22 am

    A few more additions, first is a 1982 dated plain OD field jacket, based off the M43/M51.
    Sadly missing all the insignia and the liner, but still has those crisp distinctive ironed creases.

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    An unissued K-M4 bayonet with K-M8A1 scabbard for the M1 carbine.

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    A WAVEPAT utility cover.

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    And a 1985 dated pair of "Viper" camouflage trousers, in the earlier "brown" coloration, which I also discovered that
    the later "black" version has a slightly different pattern with additional shapes than the earlier brown version.

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