Here are three Jigsaw helmet covers
The first with elastic and three velcro straps - no label
It doesn't fit (too small) on my M95 helmet size L but it's perfect on M51 helmet or Para helmet M71 size 57
The second - the elastic was replaced by a cord - fits perfect on M95 helmet - no label and no velcro straps
The third - the elastic was replaced by a cord - fits perfect on M95 helmet - three velcro straps - no label
Here are three Jigsaw helmet covers
The first with elastic and three velcro straps - no label
It doesn't fit (too small) on my M95 helmet size L but it's perfect on M51 helmet or Para helmet M71 size 57
The second - the elastic was replaced by a cord - fits perfect on M95 helmet - no label and no velcro straps
The third - the elastic was replaced by a cord - fits perfect on M95 helmet - three velcro straps - no label